My Many Lives

"Our Greatest fear is not that we are inadequate but that we are powerful beyond measure." I love this quote because it applys to almost everything in life i know to some people it may mean nothing but to me and the stories i write it means everything i think you'll understand when you read them.


Please Post comments i need insight on what people think of my stories, thank you very much.

someone please comment on what you read cuz i need feedback!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't care if it is good or bad i will take anything actually i look forward to your Criticism good or bad so please just tell me what you think. Thank you very much.

Well still no posts please post.

Okay so still no one has posted and that is okay with me because to all you readers i hope you enjoyed it it is the point that you read it not that you didn't comment.

Agrrrrr no comments still agrrrrr!!!!!!!~

A Life I Wish to Forget

My name is Lilieria Montemorency and I received a strange invitation to a mansion this morning and for some reason I know I cannot turn it down no matter how many times I tell myself no I seem to be d

My Private Niche of Hell

I woke up to the most annoying ring tone coming from my phone and thought if I ignored it maybe it would just go away, but we all know that doesn’t happen unless it runs out of battery and I charged

To Tell You the Truth.......

I have never like little towns but i guess now i have no choice but to see what it is like to live in one again. A long time ago someone said that my eyes were a mirror into my soul find out why.

My Private Niche of Hell Prt 2

sorry this one is so short but please enjoy you have to read the first part before this one i thought i should state the obvious in case someone didn't know.


I became lost in my words they lifted me, they guided me, they whispered everything and I know about who I was and who I would become, they brought order out of the chaos but they couldn’t erase the