RE: George Aligayah

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RE: George Aligayah

Topic posted in response to George Aligayah :
I'm sure I remember flagging this last year. Still love it though. It's surely the truth.

It is a delight!
What exactly do you mean? A delight? Sounds a bit falty to me...
What do you mean, a delight?
It means that it is delightful - funny, witty and imaginative. It made me laugh and it made me stop and think a bit. I'm not sure what falty is!
yes I liked wrecking ball...great imagination...and have always been fascinated with George Aligayah myself...its something to do with the way the name rolls, rather than the human being!!! Excuse the weirdness of that! However Emma Tippett did my head in...I was...defamiliarised by the repetition...otherwise, I'm left wondering what colour George's lucky pants are, and why indeed they are lucky! EA
Every man (and woman for all I know) has some lucky pants, and it's not about the colour; it's about when, where and in the presence of whom they are removed!
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