Philosophy Football
Sun, 2008-07-20 10:18
Philosophy Football
I must recommend as sporting outfitters of intellectual distinction. My teenage son was wearing rags but wouldn't go near a shop. Now he's decked in dissent from head-to-toe. And I'm a Thatcherite. Pity they don't have the legendary Joe Strummer Brigade Rosse T-shirt. Anybody know where I can get one?
Nice find. Like their stuff - tempted by the Camus, myself...
Can't help on the Strummer front, though. Sorry.
They are wonderful people. I have a number of their T shirts and wear them with pride.
I've got the Camus one (or a Camus one, they may have more than one).
Me too.
And me.
When we go out, you two had better not wear yours if I'm wearing mine.