Philosophy Football

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Philosophy Football

I must recommend as sporting outfitters of intellectual distinction. My teenage son was wearing rags but wouldn't go near a shop. Now he's decked in dissent from head-to-toe. And I'm a Thatcherite. Pity they don't have the legendary Joe Strummer Brigade Rosse T-shirt. Anybody know where I can get one?

Anonymous's picture
Nice find. Like their stuff - tempted by the Camus, myself... Can't help on the Strummer front, though. Sorry.
They are wonderful people. I have a number of their T shirts and wear them with pride.
I've got the Camus one (or a Camus one, they may have more than one).


Anonymous's picture
Me too.
And me.


Anonymous's picture
When we go out, you two had better not wear yours if I'm wearing mine.
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