Previous Competitions
Tue, 2009-05-26 18:11
Previous Competitions
Does anyone know if there is a section on this site where I can read previous competition winning entries please?
I leave them up for a few months and then they go when the next comp comes along.
It's a good idea though to preserve them in aspic and I'll do it from now on.
Thanks for the idea.
Hi Tony
May I firstly congratulate you on a cracking site bursting at the seams with great work and for offering me the opportunity to display my own work and to benefit from the skills of the fabulous talent assembled here. Thank you very much.
As you probably guessed, as a newbie here I was looking for the previous competition winners so I might get an idea of the type of work that has been successful here and have another crack at today's competition ;).
I hope it's not out of place of me to ask if it would be possible to add a couple of other features to the site? If I'm out of place just slap me down and I won't ask again ;).
Before I start I need to say that I know that the site can manage very well without me and without the enhancements I suggest, I guess they are my wish list and I see (hopefuly) no harm in asking.
I suspect there are some great works of interest to me here which I may never find without scanning every single one of the current 56,461 entries.
1) Would it be possible to tag work with say 3 tags instead of 1? Someone might choose to tag a piece of work as say Crime, Humour and Opinion whereas tagging it as only Crime may lose them 2/3 of their possible audience especially if the work was neither cherried nor chosen as a poem of the week.
2) In my short time here I have received some very helpful feedback on my work from a number of sources.
It seems to me that these contributors will have also helped others over time and I think I could benefit greatly from being able to read those comments and the work they relate to. In short would it be possible to view all entries by a contributor as a clickable list?
3) The 'Public Gallery' link on the right hand side of each page is the same as the 'Recently Added' link. Was this by any chance meant to be a sort of revolving Rogues Gallery of mug shots and a short description of contributors? That would be fantastic!
I personally find that reading someone's bio often gives me a quick insight into whether or not I might find their work of interest to me.
I appreciate all of this would cost money and no I'm sorry I don't have the cash to pay for it.
Anyway, here's hoping....
(Damn! Just corrected the spelling of a word and this post has been re-timestamped putting it out of seqence! Seems arbitrary!)
Thanks FTSE100.
1) You are spot on! Don't know how you discovered that but it works! Thanks!
2) Unless I see someones name in the 10 shown as online (can we see who else is online?) or one of their pieces comes up in a search/cheerpicked/winner of the week etc I can't see how to find a contributor at all. There are over 15,000 contributors on here whose name I haven't seen at all. Any ideas other than the big trawl?
I would love to see all the advice given by certain individuals on other work. I think it could help me a lot.
3) Any photo would do and perhaps it would encourage people to write a short piece describing themselves and their work?
I do however understand there is a cost to all this and I am pleased you have just decreased it ;)
Thanks again.
You make some good suggestions - and I am always up for them - so thankyou for that. I am currently running around in small circles trying to sort out the end of the competition and move the site on to the next level. Let me get back to you with a considered response early next week.
FTSE has been more than helping us in sorting out the technical details of the site and we should all worship at this feet. I am so grateful to him that I am fit to bust.
All the best,
Thanks for getting back to me Tony and apologies for not thinking and realising that you must be doubly snowed under at the moment.
I was wondering why FTSE was so clued up and helpful and now you have explained everything. Yes, he is an asset indeed. I come from an analysis, design and development background myself hence the interest in the functioning of the site however my development skills are unfortunately not web oriented or I would offer to help you out with some of my time.
Best wishes