Okay guys, response hugely appreciated! (UKA/ABC Xmas Mag)

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Okay guys, response hugely appreciated! (UKA/ABC Xmas Mag)

Me and John would love to see some more subs, if you could see your way to...er...submitting some :-)

Guidelines etc here on front page of... http://www.ukauthors.com (and here on ABCTales too, of course)



Afraid I've got nothing that isn't already here or there. But that's neither here nor there, I could write something, but the juices are awful sluggish at the moment. Besides, you might actually want something that's any good! :-)
Here or there is neither here nor there. All is welcome, so submit summat soon! Er...please. http://www.ukauthors.com http://www.ukapress.com http://andrealowne.ukauthors.com/
You are welcome to use anything I've posted on ABCtales. I love it when I'm asked to be included. Rather than me doing the asking if you know what I mean.
Same as chuck. If you can find something here of mine that you think is good enough; feel free! Sent some stuff to Wilky but not sure if you require new material or if work already posted is good enough?
I would guess that Wilky does not relish the thought of ploughing through a mountain of our less successful efforts in order to find a solitary jewel to grace the magazine. I for one don't blame him. Be brave, submit something, choose something you're especially proud of, write something new. He can only say thanks but no thanks, after all. Or nominate something from someone else. I'm going to do that: I can't promise that Wilky will like it, but it will be something that I do. Anyway, give this some support. It's the least we can do.
Thanks guys, And yes, Ewan, you're quite right. It's an awful lot of work and dedication (for your benefit, actually), so John would much prefer to receive submissions than have to go look for them. So get to it! Um...if you'd be so kind... http://www.ukauthors.com http://www.ukapress.com http://andrealowne.ukauthors.com/
The deadline for this is fast approaching (15th November 2009), so as many more submissions as you can manage would be very much appreciated! http://www.ukauthors.com http://www.ukapress.com http://andrealowne.ukauthors.com/
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