One way to get published

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One way to get published

Does this take the notion of celebrity to new heights of insanity or do we take our hats off to this woman for her chutzpah?

Top marks for initiative, I would say.


Hey Hellen, I would stoop that low if they were the only means by which I could catch the eye of a publisher. Beggars can't be choosers!


Hahahaha brilliant! Bet they can't get out the front door now for manuscripts. Just what the world needs, more pastel-jacketed chick-lit! Oh well, cheek's what's needed, and that's what she has.
Dear lady, I don't know Richard and Judy so I can't tell whether they are experts or not and I take your word for it that they aren't. What I'd like to know is what means, if any, you have used to catch the eye of a publisher and how successful you have been.


It's sad to think you need a foreword by Richard to get published. Then again kudos to her for the initiative.


Given the same opportunity, I'd probably do the same thing myself. Good on her, at least she made it through the door.


Anonymous's picture
Apparently Judy has a very good degree in Eng lit so presumably she does know something. But it's about making money. Once R & J endorsed it then the publishers knew people would buy - which is tragic because it suggests that there are (as we know) loads of good books out there that can't get published because the people writing them are 'nobodies'. Still, I say good on the woman because her trick worked. Sadly no TV book club couples live anywhere near me.
Still, Nobody's perfect: so there's still a chance, if (s)he's that good. :-)
Anonymous's picture
Yeah. I didn't mean to suggest that this woman's book was no good. I haven't read one word of it so I wouldn't know but it must have merit. I just mean many good books must be ignored just because nobody's ever heard of the author.
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