Wiki-creep spouting like mad now he's got sunshine.
Saw this on the BBC website.
Assange is now claiming to be above the law in that investigating him is Illegal.
I've been around the courts and such quite a bit over the years and though I can't speak for Great Britain nor Sweden's legal system, I do know a little about the US legal system and I have never witnessed anything but the most guarded care given to any defendants rights in a US Courtroom. So, his smokescreen continues to smack of bullshit as it always has.
So according to Assange, it is no longer legal to investigate somebody to determine if they are breaking the law. Good point. I think the Swedeish, British and US Governments should just give up, because this logic is insurmountable.
Assange is also complaining about a vigorous "secret" investigation.
Additionally, and I can't speak of Great Britain and/or Swedish legal systems, but in the United States (it's written into our constitution) he must be investigated by a Grand Jury and Grand Jury's are required by law to do their investigations in Secret.
Julian...If you are reading this, here's some advice.
When you find yourself in prison again, take some time to read up on the laws you seem to think you can ignore. Not only the laws of the countries you visit, but of the countries you want to hate and attack.
Without laws, we'd have Anarchy. Well, maybe that's his whole point.
The US is a country of Law, and for that I'm grateful.
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