Wiki-creep spouting like mad now he's got sunshine.

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Wiki-creep spouting like mad now he's got sunshine.

Saw this on the BBC website.

Assange is now claiming to be above the law in that investigating him is Illegal.

I've been around the courts and such quite a bit over the years and though I can't speak for Great Britain nor Sweden's legal system, I do know a little about the US legal system and I have never witnessed anything but the most guarded care given to any defendants rights in a US Courtroom. So, his smokescreen continues to smack of bullshit as it always has.

So according to Assange, it is no longer legal to investigate somebody to determine if they are breaking the law. Good point. I think the Swedeish, British and US Governments should just give up, because this logic is insurmountable.

Assange is also complaining about a vigorous "secret" investigation.

Additionally, and I can't speak of Great Britain and/or Swedish legal systems, but in the United States (it's written into our constitution) he must be investigated by a Grand Jury and Grand Jury's are required by law to do their investigations in Secret.

Julian...If you are reading this, here's some advice.

When you find yourself in prison again, take some time to read up on the laws you seem to think you can ignore. Not only the laws of the countries you visit, but of the countries you want to hate and attack.

Without laws, we'd have Anarchy. Well, maybe that's his whole point.

The US is a country of Law, and for that I'm grateful.

Don't worry about it White Dwarf. Maybe they will get over their illness- we are hoping. I didn't even bother to read it ;)
It seems to me that the only thing that White Dwarf said that might be deemed offensive was calling Denver a ‘redneck’... but, under the curcumstances, I’m sure any rednecks who use this site will forgive that ;O) I was going to make a comment on the following quote from Denver “I do know a little about the US legal system and I have never witnessed anything but the most guarded care given to any defendants rights in a US Courtroom.” But, after reading all the other things he has posted it seemed pointless to continue in trying to take him seriously.
The safer thing to do would be for him to go to Sweden and take his punishment for reneging on his agreement with those women to have sex while wearing a condom. Otherwise he will be extradicted to the US for spying. Yes he does have huge issues of over weaning ego and grandiosity. What he has done is advantage Russia, China, and Iran (and North Korea).He has advantaged them in International Relations and he has made damn sure the peoples of those countries will have even less Internet freedom than they do now which isnt much.


What a great weekend I had. Spent most of it driving around in my pickup truck with my dog, shooting holes in the road signs. Blighter, I can't forget about the UK, I do business in the UK, but not to worry. I've been on ABC Tales for quite a while. I'm just trying to smoke out who has a brain and who doesn't. It's not hard to do. Most of the folks who had brains seem to be gone and those holes have filled with mud. Share your state secrets at...

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Many years ago, I was stationed in Guantanamo Bay (late 70's, early 80's) I worked on the very spot (geographically speaking) where that stupid prison now is. Back then, it was a small fenced in compound with a Satellite communications facility. The only people I encountered back then were Cubans trying to escape Castro. They'd float around the island for days on logs and wash up on the beach next to the site. Many a Cuban died trying to flee Castro. I know Cuba is a romantic vision for you Europeans but Castro wasn't too good a fellow to his countrymen back then. I couldn't tell you how it is now with his brother running things, but I do wish we could put all this stupid shit behind us. Share your state secrets at...

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Camilla, you have some interesting views… “Gitmo is /was full of people with pre existing poor mental health conditions which led them to Afghanistan.” As a psychotherapist do you believe that ‘water boarding’ is an effective treatment for ‘people with pre existing poor mental health conditions’? “The US and the rest of the West cannot get themselves into the position of having to warehouse the human fall out from the worlds poorest countries.” Are you suggesting that ‘the human fall out from the worlds poorest countries’ were going to Afghanistan in the hope that they would be lucky enough to be chosen for a life of ease and luxury in Guantanamo? “And Abu Ghraib? Any idea what Saddam Hussein did with it?” I can’t see why what Saddam might, or might not, have done before the US took charge of Abu Ghraib can be used as an excuse for the terrible excesses perpetrated there by people who were obviously mentally deranged on people who were, for the most part, simply guilty of being in the wrong place at the wrong time! As for Assange having a huge ego - it may be so - I don’t know him well enough to say. Certainly he does a good, stand up, job as ‘front man’ for Wikileaks… after all, you don’t want a shy, retiring, appologist. Where would U2 be without Bono?
Your comedy doesn’t improve Denver and nor does your logic. Since most of Europe will, essentially, be out of Afghanistan a couple of years before the US won’t that mean that all the terrorists will be concentrating on you both in Afghanistan and in your own back yard? “…unless you live here and vote in our elections, you're opinion doesn't add up to squat.” It seems to me that a very large majority of Americans voted for the present President and yet it seemed that their opinions essentially added up to squat too as the Republicans effectively opposed almost everything that the people had voted for. “You speak as though the US was your enemy, when in fact we're about the best friends you have.” I don’t think there are many people in the UK who think that the US is our enemy but a lot of people do get sick of rightwing neocons and their delusion that they ARE the US! Obama was a great relief to many around the world and as one of them I was very pleased when he was awarded the peace prize for what he intended to do. I’m sure very many people in the US and around the world are disappointed that he hasn’t managed to actually deliver on so many of his promises but I’m sure you are delighted. “Another problem is (for you) that we're feeling less and less like being your friend. The next time you're in over your head (and there is always a next time), you may have to look elsewhere for help because, as every American knows, Great Britain will always be there when they need you.” It seems to me that you are xenophobic Denver - who do you see as being America’s friends?
Radio Denver says that the most guarded care is given to any defendant's rights in a US Courtroom and he well be right about that. But can anyone explain what is happening to Bradley Manning's rights?
Nothing about Bradley Manning here, but this interview by David Frost with Julian Assange for Al Jazeera might be interesting, if you're following the Wikileaks thing:
Thanks for the link Brooosh! I followed it back and while I was there I found this : ‘The United Nations is looking into a complaint on behalf of US army private Bradley Manning, who is said to have been mistreated while held since May in American army custody pending trial.’ Also "If we are to believe the allegations, then this man acted for political reasons. He has been a political prisoner without trial in the United States for some six or seven months," Assange said. "His conditions have been getting worse and worse and worse in his cell as they attempt to pressure him into testifying against me. That's a serious problem."
While I was perusing Aljazeera I also found an interesting link to an article about Glenn Beck and the ‘Puppet Master’. As is often the case with Beck I start out thinking maybe he’s got something here and then he twists it until it goes in the opposite direction to my thinking… “Glenn Beck has repeatedly attacked financier and philanthropist George Soros with anti-Semitic stereotypes, referring to Soros as a "puppet master" and accusing him of controlling the media, the political process, and the global economy.” Doesn't he mean Rupert? Oh no, that's his boss. I'm with you Vince! So what does Beck have against Soros? Well… In an interview with The Washington Post on November 11, 2003, Soros said that removing President George W. Bush from office was the "central focus of my life" and "a matter of life and death." and he would sacrifice his entire fortune to defeat President Bush, "if someone guaranteed it." Wiki says that George is a Hungarian-American financier, businessman and notable philanthropist focused on supporting liberal ideals and causes. He became known as "the Man Who Broke the Bank of England" after he made a reported $1 billion during the 1992 Black Wednesday UK currency crises by correctly anticipated that the British government would have to devalue the pound. Well, it’s rare that liberals are accused of being ‘puppet masters’ so I read on. “In the United States, he is known for donating large sums of money in an effort to defeat President George W. Bush's bid for re-election. In 2010, he donated $1 million in support of Proposition 19, which would have legalized marijuana in the state of California.” “Soros has been active as a philanthropist since the 1970s, when he began providing funds to help black students attend the University of Cape Town in apartheid South Africa and began funding dissident movements behind the iron curtain.” “In 1997, during the Asian financial crisis, the Prime Minister of Malaysia Mahathir bin Mohamad accused Soros of using the wealth under his control to punish the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) for welcoming Myanmar as a member.” He sounds like a real star to me :O)
Golly, I've been ignoring this thread too long. Lets see.... Manning, prison. Too bad for him. My uncle had his face burned off before he spent 6 years in a Hanoi prison. Nobody bothered to give a shit about him. My heart bleeds for poor old Bradly Manning. He had a choice. He's in a military prison. He fucked his buddies, now he is fucked. First don't fuck the people who have your balls in a vice. First thing you do is get your balls as far away from the vice as possible. Same rule applies in the British military. Same thing in Mexico, France, Italy, Russia (really bad in Russia) and China. Military prisons around the world are full of people who fucked with the wrong people. Check out the Foreign Legion if you want a really good lesson in not fucking your buddies. Denver a Xenophobe? No, I love most Spanish cultures, Chinese are cool, no pretensions with them but they can be sneaky, other Asian cultures, cool. I don't care much for white honkey mo-fo rednecks from Louisiana who hate niggers. A lot of them types still around and I find a similar type of person to be commonly found in England. A lot of Europeans come across the same though. them people are strange. They hate the US but 90% of them live within 90 miles of the border and it's the second largest landmass of any country in the world. Strange...really strange. Lets see...did I forget to piss anyone off? Oh lovers. I can't stand cat lovers. Cats are best used for dog food. Share your state secrets at...

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Hey, Mangone, on a lighter note, this might give you a chuckle (and Assange makes an appearance) >>>
A very Merry Christmas to you Andrea! In fact a very Merry Christmas to all! Thanks for the link it is brilliant! You have to keep your eyes peeled as there are lots of little touches of humour that flash past in the blink of an eye… I loved ‘Haxis of evil’
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