So - no one coming then? As a number of you have emailed me to let me know that you are coming along I'm not worried but please do tell us here if you are intending to arrive! It would be great to meet you.
Well, I'll be there but I guess I have to as I am reading ;) Dont know if thefood is good , might just grab a sandwich after work on way... (cheaper and serious bills issues this month)
Lane [ashb]
I'd love to meet you Wilky so please do try and come along. There is always plenty of time for socialising at our events - they are designed that way!
I am really looking forward to this - I'm very grateful to rjnewlyn and blighter's rock for the venue organisation.
Yes, I'll be there. From the home page responses it looks like everyone's going to be expecting Guiness. I'm afraid I can't remember whether they serve it or not. Apologies!
The old (or young) folkies on the site may wish to know that the Wheatsheaf is next door to Hobgoblin Music. I don't know when they close but you might want to get along early and purchase a zither (or whatever) while you're over that way.
Haven't logged on for a while so didn't know about this gig, but couldn't have made it anyway as I'm in Suffolk ATM - if there are going to be be more such nights, will make the next one.