Same people every time.

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Same people every time.

I'd like to say thank you to a particular handful of people, you know who you are. It's the same people commenting on our work all the time.

I know, I'm guilty, I can go months without reading and commenting too, and then I'll have some spare time and try and do 'my bit' in a condensed lump.

What I try and do is read and comment on at least two for every one that I post.

There are hundreds of members posting to the site, they/we all want to be read, and value comments. What people don't seem to realise is, that if everybody writes but doesn't read, then the site will stagnate and nothing will ever be read again.

To the people who do, thank you.

I know this is a free site and free in so much as work can be posted without having to give of yourself in return, but wouldn't we all do better if we had a name and shame on our listing telling how many pieces we'd posted compared to how many we've commented on?

I'm with Sooz on this one - especially on the condensed doing my bit. If only there were enough hours in the day to read more, eh?! I alternate between the random story and cherry picked button when i'm reading and I've noticed that there's often a complete dearth of comments on the random ones but a bonanza on cherry picked ones. *Confession time* It has actually stopped me commenting on a cherry picked piece before because everything's already been said apart from offering more congratulations. Not to say I like the piece any less, I just don't see what I add to the conversation. Probably says more about me than anything thinking about it, but anyway... Perhaps we should all try and give more constructive criticism as well. We all know that not everything on this site is great, I've written my fair share of duffers I know - I'd be curious to get people's input as to WHY they're duffers. My point, I guess, is maybe we should all make forays into the back catalogues of random stories and spread the love. If you think it should be read, tell us and them! If it's not great then point people in the right direction, show them something that you've read which would inspire them, PM them with pointers if they/you're feeling self-conscious. There's obviously a balance to strike - we don't want to depress everyone - but I reckon we could find it. We're all on the same side, after all!
I have this guilt too as I barely have time to write my own stuff but when I do and post it I get disappointed if no one comments. And yet I do very little commenting myself - partly because my work internet often identifies ABCtales as adult content containing nudity (I've looked hard but found no nudity) so won't let me use aspects of it. But partly because I'm a bit lame. Another site I use, which isn't as good as ABCtales in most ways, does have a points system whereby you earn points by making useful comments and spend points to post your work. In other words, if you want to post your work you have to read and comment on other people's.
I agree with the above comments. The problems - if problems they are - can be summarised in a few points: 1. The number of entries - I feel that three a day is too many as they soon mount up and there isn't enough time to read and comment on more than a handful. 2. Cherried pieces attract more attention and more comments. 3. People seem to comment on their favourite authors whose work and style they have come to know. 4. No commentary is possible on 'random' pieces except perhaps on newer work. 5. Difficult to manage criticism diplomatically.


I can only agree with most of this. I do urge people to comment - it's greatly appreciated by authors - and to make suggestions. It does help us all!
I agree too - I don't have much time to read anything full stop (haven't managed a novel for far too long), barely can fit in my writing in amongst all the other stuff I have to do each day that it's not worth mentioning here. My rule is when I do read something on abc I always comment on it if any comment whatsover comes to mind - biggest problem is just not reading enough here, but paradoxically I really appreciate anyone reading and commenting on my work.
I've been wondering about the comment-etiquette here (I am relatively new to the site)... I want to comment and be constructive. But also I haven't seen a negative comment on the site yet, which I find surprising. Not everyone can like everything all of the time, and a good bit of honest criticism like, "hmm, it's a bit boring and you repeat yourself too much" can still be good criticism (and I personally wouldn't mind that sort of feedback at all). I know criticism should be constructive, but it seems like no-one says 'I don't like that', which I think if you give reasons can still be constructive, though a bit hard to swallow perhaps? I'm not out to slam anyone's work. But equally, if I think something is terrible then isn't saying why a good thing? (I know I don't have to say it's terrible, and I don't want to discourage anyone from writing here... that isn't my point. I don't want to come across as an asshole, but there are some things that have a lot of reads that are kind of bad that have no comments, which made me wonder enough to write this... So aye, is it very much just 'stay positive' here? Or have I just not read enough stuff?
While I'm not posting here for comments or cherries, for that matter, I admit I am absolutely chuffed when someone does take the time to leave a comment, be it praise or criticism. I think it is important to comment as this usually increases traffic back to one's own work. Somethingdidntdo - I have received some wonderful criticism for a number of my pieces over my time here. I appreciate honest, constructive criticism as it only makes me a better writer.


blighters, it sounds like a story is developing around you right now. Maybe "Happenings at your local library" could be an inspiration point?
I decided a while back to try and read (also if possible, to comment on) work by writers I have never read before each time I log on. Can't always manage it but I do my best. I admit I am guilty of not reading as many stories as I should however - if they are very long I tend not to bother. Will try and rectify that but I do agree with all above remarks. I too have noticed that many `posters' never leave comments on other people's work. Do they simply post and not read? We can learn so much from other writers.
I used to use the random button exclusively. Purely to get away from the only commenting on 'friends' work. I never read anything else, but hated that I couldn't comment on a lot of them. So then I began starting at the top and working my way through the pages in a King Canute effort to read every single piece posted on the site... EVER! It usually ran away with me after about three pages. Like Bart Simpson with a finger and a light socket though, I never learned, and tried this several times. Now I'm trying to leave a comment on everybody who leaves a comment on mine, which is taking us right back to the beginning where I said I didn't like doing that because it means commenting only on the people who I have most contact with. But, you do what you can do.


I'm one of the worst offenders, but there's nothing I can do about. My commute at the moment is four hours per day on top of a full day's work. Every spare minute I have is dedicated to writing, so apologies to everyone but I'm not reading anything at the moment.


When I first started on this site I found a generalised comment that one shouldn't be too critical of others work. The only criticism I've used or seen others use is that the pieces are too long and should be broken up into paragraphs. I queried this with Tony when I reached the longer pieces in my Jennifer Jane series. He gave me a good guideline of one thousand to fifteen hundred words in a chapter. Roughly two or three sides of typing. But I think I upset someone whose work I did actually criticise, as I thought constructively. They've never ever commented on anything of mine since! I think the result is is comment on the style or presentation but never on the content. Unfortunately its the content of some that I find so difficult to read. Of course the sheer volume of work means you cant read or comment on most of it.
Skunk, I like a challenge so I just commented on your story. I thought it was good. For what it's worth I'd be happy for constructive critiscism on my work - style, content, spelling, whatever. I almost certainly won't kill anyone if they don't like my stories. Actually, another thing on this rival, but still inferior site, is that there is a box to fill in which says what kind of criticism you'd like. Maybe that would help if readers had permission to let rip or were advised to be gentle. I might just put it as a comment at the bottom of my mine.
I'm not a good critic so I don't criticise, a rare few people are and their views are much prized. I rarely stray beyond a few very obvious tweaks and general comments on lenght, beginning, ending. However, I've seen other sites where people feel the need to criticise for the sake of it and it's really dispiriting. The last time I posted something on another site I got patronising comments telling me to check some facts and spellings in story I'd set in Paris, 'why don't you write about somewhere you've been' the person asked. It goes without saying that, yes I've been there and yes I had checked all facts and spellings, the person simply hadn't bothered to check whether I was right or not before slagging me off. That's why I prefer ABC tales.


I usually try to read the work of newcomers as well as all my favourites.I must say that there are some writers on abc that I am crazy about and at the same time I feel it is difficult to keep up the pace with all the great pieces so I prefer to comment on the writers I already know and who also comment on my work. Tit for tat- I think it is a matter of respect when someone comments on yours then you comment on theirs. I think that if you have some constructive critisism then use it. I write very simple pieces in simple language due to me being in a foreign country but I am usually thrilled with comments that actually see something good in my pieces. Sometimes I feel we are very patronising and I would wish that someone would really give some of my pieces a bad turn because I myself am crtical of my work but noone ever does ( fortunately- :D). I don't expect them to say something like 'learn the language'. No, on the whole I am really very satisfied with the site. What wonders me is how you can keep on writing when you never ever recieve a comment?????
I am hopelessly guilty of not offering constructive criticism. This past week I read through several cherry picked stories without commenting because I had major issues with either the content or (far more relevant) certain technical aspects of the writing. My problem stems from having publish on sites where people either 1.) ripped each other mercilessly to shreds - really ugly, ugly ugly stuff or 2.) some airhead with a third grade educations is writing, 'Real dumb story. Don't get it. What a waste of my valuable time!' It might have been nice if the dunderheads actually told you why they didn't like the writing but, of course, if they had the aptitude, they wouldn't be posting in broken sentences and snide inuendos. After getting whacked around over the past few years with such hurtful critiques, I tend to be hypersensitive about inflicting similar abuse on my fellow writers. Maybe it's time to reconsider. Constructive criticism doesn't have to be insulting or demeaning.


Maybe we need some sort of fairly consistent definition of what constructive criticism is? Should it always be a feedback sandwich/critique panini of something good, something to be improved and something good again?
When I wrote what I considered problematic about commenting, one of my points was "4. No commentary is possible on 'random' pieces except perhaps on newer work." I found out since that we can comment on random stories/poems via the forum as at the end of each piece there is a link that enables one to create a discussion point.


Brilliant Skunk- just a comment on your very funny comment
Skunk, you're naughty. :-) Personally, I enjoy being ripped to shreds. I think the moment you click with this writing lark, and think, 'yep, I can sort of do this.' is the first time that something negative doesn't hurt and sting in the most sensitive of your 'I take that personally' receptors. I once went up against a couple of she-cats who slated every word I wrote, (they were both brilliant and talked a lot of sense amid the,'bring the bitch down, and get her off' tirades. The first few times I took it on the chin, then I felt ganged up on, then I thought 'to hell with it, just do what you do and learn what you can from them.'


You can't please all of the people, all of the time and when that bothers you, you are writing for somebody else, not for yourself. That's great if you are a serious writer aiming to hone your craft to a high level sales point of view, but for most of us, I think that writing for you first is enough, and if other people like it, bonus.


I like readng and commenting, sometimes I dont comment if I dont like something & I tend to read same few peoples writing and tryto catch p all in one go

"I will make sense with a few reads \^^/ "

I'm new here but will try to comment on as many pieces as possible. I don't mind if anyone wants to criticise any of my works or offer suggestions for improvement. Nothing wrong with a bit of tough long as it don't hurt tooooo much.
Um this may be ridiculous but sometimes I don't comment, or leave constructive criticism because I can't think of what to say without sounding pretentious or self-important. I honestly make myself cringe half the time...I should probably take this to a counsellor, not a forum. On the other hand, I have found other peoples comments really helpful, encouraging and entertaining, so thanks everyone :)


I know what you mean marionwozere, it sounds a bit lame to just say 'I like it' doesn't it? but if someone takes the trouble to say even that about my stuff, I'm immensely grateful. On the "constructive criticism" front, I'm nowhere near qualified for that and would never consider such a thing.


Thank you Shoe, I'm so glad it's not just me who feels like that sometimes :) Now we've got it all out in the open, I hope to be a bit more confident in my commenting! There is, after all some really great writing on this site and the positivity and camaraderie of the writers is....lovely :)


Yes marionwashere and shoe- I think we are all very supportive of each other and it is a joy. As to contructive criticism- I am glad that someone may ask me to move some lines and rewrite a few words but if someone actually shredded me to pieces I would not be as pleased and I am sure we wouldn't do it here. Everyone has their own style and I think it is great that we all can respect that. Like you say the positivity and camaraderie. It is so encouraging and just shows that this site is choc a bloc with quality writers with a very friendly outlook and tolerance and yes I suppose that includes me- ha ha ;D I would rather write "I like " than nothing at all. I usually stick to "brilliant"- ;D pia
Hi folks, I'm new around here and don't have a lot of internet time available to me so I try and spread myself about rather than annoying one person all the time. I do try and give some comment on any piece that I read and I also try to be as politely honest as I can. Fortunately I really haven't found any duffers up to now. I'm more around poems than stories because of lack of time and the fact that I mainly write poetry. Having posted 2 pieces when I had the username Claireslover which I have now changed to Wolfsax I note that they have both had significant numbers of reads without many comments, is this because I'm not well enough known yet or because people are scared to tell me how lousy my work is (PS if you can't understand it then that makes it lousy in my opinion). I would far sooner know the truth whether it be 'Good Work' 'Couldn't understand a word of it' or 'This could be improved by...' And I will try and get round some more poems as soon as possible but I will have no/very little internet access between 4th and 15th April Cheers for now Dave Aim for the stars then if you fail you might still land on the moon, and that's not a bad second best.

Aim for the stars then if you fail you might still land on the moon, and that's not a bad second best.

I think most who write poems are just short of time for stories beside they are more vague emotional and uhm :/ poetic! I mostly comment on writers who comment on my poems or are online a lot even though am not K

"I will make sense with a few reads \^^/ "

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