Thu, 2012-07-05 18:43
Anybody heard of this guy. I gave him the benefit of the doubt but now I'm not sure. He posts quite often but its always just a plug for his work. He's never written on the site ( that i can see) and he's never commented either!
Do we welcome him or not!
I gave him the benefit of the doubt because I've seen he's posted for a few years then realised that he was always promoting his work!
Thanks FTSE, I say F..k him off!
Bit strong?
i think he sounds like an arrogant, flaccid tube. I made a bit of a derogatory comment on his latest post- will i get in trouble??
We all know he's an arrogant flaccid tube (brilliant Sid) but the question remains ladies and gentlemen 'what type of an arrogant flaccid tube is he?
Sod him I say.
I think you have your answer FTSE!
I think Dom might be a girl, but I could be wrong - anyway he/she must have got offended and disappeared because I can't find them any more. Definitely not a traditional spammer (I remember a poem about Freddie Mercury that won some great award) but he/she used to post snippets of their work and comment on the forums a lot - just mainly adverts for their own writing.
It might just be me, but i'm slightly uncomfortable with the tone of this forum topic - particularly with so many editors involved. Are we now saying it's o.k. to say this sort of thing about real people on here, just because it's someone we don't like and who doesn't particularly put much back into the site?
What concerns me even more, is if this Dom's account was deleted as a direct result of the discussion above - is that how things work now and if it is, where do we draw the line and who's next?
I'd say he/she is quite successful enough to withstand some earnest criticism. If you will market yourself so shamelessly, expecting cries of rapture in response..
I'm with FB on this, Surely a member is entitled to contribute as much or a little as they wish, as long as they are not being rude or abusive, what's the harm?
I with you on that Shoe, my problem with this person was that he/she posted what looked like a story only to find that it was just an advert for his/her work somewhere else. He/she never read any one elses work or commented, just kept on advertising their own work on amazon. Surely this site is all about contribution, whether thats posting work or reading other peoples, it's all contribution in some way. But this person had no intention of doing either.
I commented on Dom's latest post that after reading their lengthy adverts (thousands of words of hype, in-depth author bio in third person, links to avail yourself of the Light) I was not at all inclined to read their work and would strive to avoid ever laying eyes on it. In retrospect I am glad I said that! I suppose the tube comment I made on this forum is a bit strong, and I feel a bit bad about it now, but it was the tone of it all! Lots of members post links to their own published work, and I have only ever seen support and congratulations in response. This was something else entirely
Fully agree with Stan and Jolono, the reason that this site is so good is that it encourages people to both read and write. It doesn't matter how often you do either, but you must at least DO it. You don't always have to comment on peoples work either thats entirely up to you, if you read something that you like and enjoy then please comment if you read it and just move on to something else, heh, thats ok as well. It seems that Mr/Mrs Dom had no intention of doing anything on this site apart from trying to advertise his work, which isn't and has never been even on here!
Que sera sera. I don't like any form of attack on a member by another member on here - but I am very happy to receive emails from members who feel that another member is abusing the site.
That's what happened with Dom - and I wrote a piece at the end of his (?) latest advert advising him to post some of his writing with a link to his book at the end of it if he so desired. Then this forum appears and I think we've all gone a little overboard. Decorum please folks.
Very well said Mr Cook!
Noted, Tony. I'm feeling rather guilty, which is the usual outcome when I decide to get on my high horse. I really should stick with my Shetland pony and keep my mouth shut
Damn it fatboy, I'd just gone to get my pitchfork out of the shed and follow the burning torches up the rugged path to Schloss Dom and demand he hand over his vile creation and then you go and spoil it with the voice of reason!
For shame.