My great money saving tip - please add more
This is probably obvious but I only spotted it today. It's also only relevant if you shop in Sainsbury's.
Those of you who do shop there will know that Sainsbury's run a thinly disguised scam called Price Match.
At the end of your transaction they give you a slip of paper which basically tells you how much they overcharged you by and next time you shop with them they will refund that amount. But there's a deadline by which you have to use the refund.
My problem is the deadline almost always runs out. Even when I make a return visit and am still due a refund I rarely remember to bring along the slip of paper that entitles me to some money back.
So today I finally worked out a simple way round this.
You just split your shopping into two parts and put one or two of the items you are buying behind the divider, as though they belong to the next shopper.
Then, when they hand you the refund slip for the first part of your shopping, you can use it immediately against the second part of your shopping.
Be aware that sometimes you won't get a refund slip but will be told that today's shopping saved you £X.YZ. But in my experience the refund slip occurs enough times for it to be worth trying this.
If the checkout person challenges you about splitting your purchases into two parts, just say you are doing some shopping for your elderly mum/neighbour and she likes to have a separate receipt.
In the past six months or so I must have lost £30 or so because I failed to use the refund slips on time. It's not a huge amount I will be saving, but it's a great feeling that there is a legitimate way to stop them ripping you off with what is essentially a scam disguised as a money-saving initiative.
Sorry it took so long to explain. Hope it helps.
Anyone else got any other money saving tips they'd care to share?