Has anyone else ever fancied they've seen the face of God?

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Has anyone else ever fancied they've seen the face of God?

Has anyone else ever fancied they've seen the face of God? Shame he always has to be male, but that's tradition.

I met him in Amsterdam about five years ago, tho' not for the first time. I've also met him in Israel and England.

p.s. you don't have to believe anything I say, I've been in a psychiatric unit for the past two weeks! That last reincarnation of the face of God was very convincing tho' I must say. This is very personal but, we nearly kissed on the lips once back then. His phone rang and the moment passed but it's one I will never forget.

I am not even allowed to see ghosts I am so unspiritual. But anyway he doesn't exist in my world. Being a psychotic myself in the past I have seen some faces in the ether but I'm still not spiritual.
I'm of the opinion that everything and everyone is God so I see God wherever I look. I prefer to think of God as a She; like a mother goddess rather than a creator god.
I see him in the mirror every day. He's bald. Nice halo, though.
God represents the constant need of a parental figure that guides us through situations in which we cannot rely upon ourselves or others to face or overcome. If one version of "God" is prevalent in one culture, the face of that god would either be interpreted literally, metaphorically, or theoretically inclined to the mass perception of that deity. One might see god as a man in a white robe and another could be based upon a Vedic deity with four arms. God resides in the mind, it is open to interpretation and it is our choice if he/she/it exists or is irrelevant. Ultimately, "God" is as ellusive as remembering a silent dream. - Chinobus -

- Chinobus -

"Its not in your face...its in my hand."-Sherlock Holmes - Chinobus -

- Chinobus -

When I was a little child I was comforted by the thought of Jesus as we had a lot of religious stuff in school. I also liked the bible stories but since then I have always, like you Stan, solved my own problems and lived life quite happily without God or any faith. Nowadays I just don't get it, at all!
I can't really see it Stan but there are neurological swithches for other things- like illnesses- but faith is not an illness is it? I like the meaning of faith but only seen from a very human perspective. I have always seen faith in a God as self-suggestion and popular suggestion-like if someone likes a dress your neighbour will buy one just like it. Fashion. If you can't find any other common stomping ground. Now I am being very sacreligious. I guess because of the massive pressure to 'believe' or have a faith I am anti-religious. I find it so difficult to respect God believers. I know I am very intolerant. I should respect it and I do go soft at times but I keep my distance. What I really believe in is Mother Nature and I have faith in that 'she' will rule the fate of the world and me. Life and death. Cycles.It's all there, in nature.
I've seen God in the faces of the poor and the ugly and the oppressed. It broke my heart and I didn't know what to do. It still breaks my heart because my heart isn't big and generous enough yet to hold pain and beauty in the same glance, or strong enough to give love to people and situations that scare me. This, I guess, is my spiritual journey.


Thanks everyone for your comments

Tanya Jones

If you were going to follow Voldemort or perhaps another Omnipresencent being, would you choose one who history records has killed between 2,500,000 and 25,000,000 people just because he/she can? I mean, seriously, why would you do that?


I think for some people who have been oppressed by European Christians, for example many Native Americans and Australian Aboriginals, preserving their Spiritual Beliefs is part of preserving their culture, history and identity. There's a really good website about the spiritual beliefs of Aboriginal people: http://www.creativespirits.info/aboriginalculture/spirituality/what-is-t...
Now just one cotton-pickin' minute Footsie. It's people who say I did it by magic. I never said that. People write their Bibles and Books of Wokl Pokl and insist that I inspired them. I did no such thing. Then they want me to play along with them. Did you know the Heaven-on-Sea is full of people who go to church and wait for God to arrive? They look at me, find that I don't suit them, and for a minute they are downhearted. Then I suggest that they join the religious lot, because the proper God will most surely be along quite soon. And there are heretics and people of the wrong denominations to be hated. They brighten up and trot off to live with others like themselves. Being people, they spend a lot of time fighting. Frankly, I don't take much interest in them. As long as they can be contained and don't annoy others, they can sing their praises and recite their nonsense until the angels come home.
Of course I'm not, you great lunk. I'm a unique being. What would I do with genitals?
God- don't tell Footsie off- he knows what he is talking about. He's here on earth and you just slouch around in heaven.So who knows best?
I have to keep order, High. Heaven might be heavenly but that's only because I don't allow littering. If you have a picnic, take your rubbish home with you. Just saying.
oh dear, what's all this talk about God. The thread was s'posed to be about lust.

Tanya Jones

I'm sorry I'm so shallow.

Tanya Jones

Thought you had had an epiphany Tan. You'll have to be more clear next time.
I'll take your advice, thanks.

Tanya Jones

I hope you get your God if you want him that is! hehe
Bit late, as usual. I see a man in a long coat and wizard-type hat riding a pig when I look at a map of Britain. I suppose it could be a woman, too. Witches-type hat then, though, obviously. Not sure what the world population count is at this minute, Arthur, but I reckon whatever it is, that's how many types of people there are. Not sure about God either, but I sure don't believe in Plato.

Parson Thru

This has been the funniest discussion yet. And, all over a misunderstanding. Very funny.
With "God" actually commenting on this thread, it's like the worst Neale Donald Walsch book ever.


I have to report Highhat, it's a case of unrequited love or lust or something. I did some research on this incarnation of God person and found he had a Facebook account. Sadly,for me, in one of the photographs he's carrying a small child on his shoulders. He looks thoroughly handsome but the child is not mine. I'm kind of hoping it's his sister's and there's still a remote chance of a consummation of some sort at a later date but the situation is looking a bit hopeless at present. I might have to change my religion.

Tanya Jones

That's so sad Tan-look around- you'll find someone else . Though he may have a child but no partner? Just don't become obsessed with it. That is a warning. It's so destructive and nothing comes of it only sadness for yourself. And if he lives in another country that may be complicated though of course it doesn't have to be. If it's a long time ago maybe you should just forget him- especially with the picture of the child in mind. atb
No disrespect etc, and just curious, but wondering how many of the professed atheists celebrate, in some way, Christmas, Easter etc, and are planning to have a 'funeral' (or have not made any other arrangements) once they've popped their clogs? http://www.ukauthors.com
Good man yerself, Stan (as my Irish mate Evelyn would say). I, too, don't celebrate Christmas (although Yuletide is, strictly speaking a religious festival), Easter, or any other religious festival. Humanist sounds good. In my case, when I shuffle off, I will be cut up by a bunch of (no doubt) hungover med students in the hospital where I (or at least my cadaver) is most needed. Hey, I might even get to go to a country I've never visited before! http://www.ukauthors.com
I celebrate Christmas - as a non-believer I still do. I like the tradition of chritmas tree ,lights, sparkly things, the feast and perhaps a gift or two. It adds to an otherwise extremely gloomy season. Just like fireworks at New Year. When I go it won't be from a church- not allowed because I am not a member of the Danish People's Church. I leave it up to those left behind to decide what to do with me, whether they want a stone or not. It's what they wish- not me. Funerals and what happens afterwards are for the living.
21st December is Winter Soltice and that is worth celebrating- the daylight returning. That is a highlight of winter and that is mainly why I celebrate Christmas- the return of the light.
Dear Tan- I hope you feel much better very soon and get out of the ward when you feel up to it. Seasons Greetings- hope you can enojy this time of year. atb
Thanks Pia for your kind thoughts. Yes, I'm out. A minor, but recurring, problem.

Tanya Jones