Prose Pentathalon
Sat, 2013-01-19 19:09
Prose Pentathalon
Paid fee for pentathalon but where do I give my user name and the name I wish to use in the comp.
There would have been an option on paypal to send a message with your payment but it's too late I think if you've already done it. I reckon if you send wilkybarkid a message on here and tell him the email address you use for paypal, he can probably match them up.
Thanks for that alex-tomlin. It is much appreciated. I will try that if not I'll pay the fee again it is not the end of the world. Has the winner of the Infinite Sky story been announced yet as I have a feeling I've missed it?
Anyway, good luck in the competition but I'm pretty sure you won't need it.
Not seen a winner of that Moya. Lot of good and very different entries to that. Wouldn't fancy judging it myself!
The art of writing food is indeed a lost art. If you read nineteenth century literature all the characters are eating victuals (or fictuals) - food created by authors, this was real food written into life by the author and transferred into the books by secret authorial means.
That's why visiting the author's house became such a popular activity, it wasn't fans of the book, it was the hungry and impoverished hoping for thrown-away food scenes. Dickens once threw out an entire dinner scene, which fed the poor of Lambeth for over a month.
Babette's Banquet is a wonderfully tasty delight. I read it aloud and people started nibbling my feet.
I am collecting all the email addresses of entrants and will write to one and all requesting them to send their usernames to the wilky bar kid before we get going on the pentathalon. No need to pay again!
I have judged the Infinite Sky comp and results will be announced today.