I can see how some may find it frustrating, but think of it this way:
The fewer submissions you post at a time, the more likely it is you will receive good comments and feedback on each of your pieces!
That's a good way to look at it. I suppose it can be very unfair to the other writers who post 1 or 2 pieces a day, expecting their things to get read when someone ups and posts 20 pieces at once. I can imagine how maddening that can be. Thank you for your input. I think I may have a new found respect for the 3-a-day limit.
Can you imagine a highway without a stop sign? The reason they allow only three is to prevent the system from crashing and give writers a chance to critique their fellow writers work without being overwhelmed. Yes it annoying but a necessity. Who would want to read 10 pieces of my shit shot work; then in all probability gouge their eyes out with a pen afterwards? Safety first haha
- Chinobus -
Craig, over on UKA we have an 8 per week policy. This is so that, as stated above, everyone gets a fair crack of the whip and no-one is shoved off the page before their work has had a chance to be read and commented on. There is nothing worse (from a contributors point of view)than to publish work which you have (hopefully) sweated over, only to find it relegated to the second page (which people rarely read) within minutes.
A little bit of consideration, my friend.
I reckon three a day is pretty generous. A few months ago I posted a piece I was pretty pleased with and was hopeful of getting some feedback, and then I think four people all posted three pieces each within an hour or so and mine just disappeared without a trace! I think this was an unusual situation not likely to happen too often, mind, but I was quite disheartened at the time. I'm over it now. Almost.
I thought about reposting, Stan, but that seemed wrong somehow. And I can't honestly remember which one it was now. It's just the luck of the draw, isn't it, and I've not done badly out of ABCTales so I'm not complaining. Much.
I think Andrea's eight per week seems a good idea - perhaps new members get 2/3 per day for a month and then it switches to one after that month. Posting seven pieces a week is surely enough for most isn't it? Maybe I think this because i'd struggle to do one a month. I'm sure if we look back in the forum archives this will have come up several times.
- Chinobus -