Tonight in York. ABCtales night.

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Tonight in York. ABCtales night.

Jacqui Wicks and I have had a splendid night tonight performing poetry and singing songs in York. A small but perfect audience who took their turns to inform, break our hearts, make us laugh, and think. Such talent. Thank you Tony Cook for the enduring ABCTales. Thirteen years young and as lively and as fun as ever X

Glad it went well, Ralph. It always sounds like such fun. Rich


Singing song? Right thats it. Tonight in London we'll have to beat that. I'll do Elvis, Stan can do Bowie, lavadis will have to be Dylan. Sounds like you had a right old knees up! Glad it went well.


Do One Night With You, jolono. It's one of my favorites. And have fun tonight. Looks like its gonna be a great evening. My best to you all. Rich


Hud's, thanks for all the effort to provide the fabulous contribution to the evening from New York enjoyed in 'Old York.' For those that couldn't make it Hudsonmoon produce a fantastic song accompanied by acoustic guitar (expertly played by him). Highhat recorded three poems that were all exceptional. Thanks Pia. Ewan sent in three fantastic poems that he read to wonderful effect. We were all entranced by his reading. Stan also sent in a fantastic reading - we all know what a prodigious talent he is. Entirely due to no fault of his, the link that would have allowed us to watch and listen had expired. I did see it though and I can tell you his trademark of outstanding quality was all over it. So that makes it a true international line up. Spain, Denmark and the USA all represented at an ABCtales event in York. Thanks to everyone involved.


It was a lovely evening and I really look forward to seeing loads of you in London tonight
Am very glad you enjoyed yourselves- was nice to be there on tape. Scratch - shall we put the videos up here? Or not? Is that a bit much? Don't know when I will ever make it to England. ;)Pia
Loved your poem Pia.


Why not Pia? Go for it and post the link. :D


I for one would love to see the videos and listen to the recordings - I was just about to ask if it was possible to post them on here, Scratch. I'm not overfond of my own voice, I have a broad Black Country acccent, but I'd like to hear what some of the folk on Abc sound like.
Okay here it is- I think I look terrible and sound strange. It's really strange to see yourself this way. Anyway- Enjoy.. is external) to all of you from li'l ol' me ;)Pia
I didn't mind the accent at all. I think it only enhanced the experience of listening to you. I also loved the tintype quality of your video. It was like something from the past. I loved being able to see you 'live' Pia. It was a pleasure. Rich


Sounds like you all had a great time in York. I'm sure the London event will go just as well. Rich This is the song I wrote for the York reading. If you wonder about the chalk board in the background, it was a welcome home to my son and his girlfriend from New Orleans. is external)


Hud's, Ewan and Stan; any chance of Yours? I think one of me was recorded on the night. I'll ask my mate to upload it. You show me yours and... Well you get it!


Thanks for the kind comments, Peter. I had a lot of fun doing it, knowing I was going to be part of such a good group of writers. Can't wait to check out the others. Rich


Thanks Stan! Can't wait.


I just enjoyed watching it Stan. I can quite see why this got so many well deserved votes. You read it superbly as well. Bravo mate.


That was wonderful Stan- so good to see you and hear your story with your own voice. Thanks
Pia, I know that I had the advantage of previewing the clips before others got to see them but still want to say again how much I/we enjoyed on the night as well.


Love Rich's thoughtful song too--as I told him on Facebook..
That was great, Pia! I'll catch up yours later, Stan.
A great song, Hudsonmoon, and a great story, Stan.
Thanks for the kind comments. And many thanks to Tony and scratch for making it possible. I'm at work at the moment. But will check out the other videos when I get home. Best to all at the Wheatsheaf this evening. Rich


Hi, I'll upload the avi to Youtube and post a link here You are too kind regarding my efforts, though. It sounds like a really good night. Ewan
According to you tube the link is is external), let me know if it works. I hope that everything goes as well tonight as it obviously did last night! Ewan
Loved the poetry reading, Ewan. Very professional. I tried doing a reading some of my prose, but I sounded so damn stilted. So I went with a song. It only took me a half dozen takes before I got it right. All the best to you. Rich


Brilliant Ewan/Nom - loved it! Liked pic on wall as well :) Wondering now if you've done any certainly have the voice (and the looks :))for it! is external)
Yes, once again it was a truly wonderful evening and thanks must go to Scratch for organizing it and for sorting out the video links with the help of his two friends and to Tony for being Tony... making everyone feel welcome and putting us all at our ease. It was lovely to meet Ralph and Jacqui, who has the most wonderful voice and Scratch I can't remember the man from Spalding's user name but I would be grateful if you do because I would like to look at his work. Great to see and hear Richard, Pia and Ewan too. However I was horrified when I realised I was to follow Richard as I thought I'm no match for him he will blow me out of the water but lucky for me he chose to sing and he was amazing. The funny thing is he looked exactly how I imagined him and I wasn't the only one to say it. Thank you Scratch and Tony and to everyone else who was there for making it such a special evening. Moya
Hello MOya, the username that you asked for is bren27. Her's a link to one of his pieces to make things easy! It was lovely to see you last night Moya and I look forward to many more in the future.


Great reading, Ewan, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
new hudsonmoon Wow! Didn't get to London. York sounded great,talent. I listened to yours,well done! But few years ago,someone suggested things, could do,musician and others,never took off! I enjoyed Highhat's too! Whats next? But of course one has too have the link up tools! Super anyone too far away could link up! Will it kill live events visiting,and meet ups. Good see it live! Maybe Editor (Tony) be made.... who knows. Bus diversions here,and trains having places buses laid on. Been nursing throat,till today and chill. Improved hope your well. Each one on earth,can always try! something aye! I know. take care but for me like meet ups whatever,live things and shows things go to. Good idea if far away though. Some could even play the spoons! My pop did. etc. julie x
new Highhat Pia. Great watching listening to you read. What a great idea from those involved,good step foreward,especially those,far away,can't get or afford go meetings. But one has have also sound system think it's called. Other tools. And too Stan and Scratch and Moya. Good photo. So ,many gifted many things or can be try! Will it stop meetings though! get together's great! julie x
Just watched the video link to see and hear Stan and thought his was a wonderful reading and I enjoyed a second viewing of Pia and Huds too. Oh and nearly forgot Ewan. Don't know how I could do that. Another wonderful reading of three excellent poems. Huds great song mate, really enjoyed it. Pia your accent lends itself to the rhythm of your poetry. I hope this video link is a continuing thing because it includes people who just can't get to one of the meetings. Moya
Julie- I'm sure it won't kill the live evenings. Don't worry about that. It's pretty impossible for some of us across the land and sea to attend so Scratch's idea of a video was a good one. I think Ewan's reading was brilliant. He's such a good poetry reader and I loved his poems. Rich's song was fantastic. I am desperately trying to get myself together for a stay in the UK so I can attend an evening. It's not that easy and it's expensive. But it's great to hear others experience of the events. Get well soon Julie and take care. ;)Pia
Both those links are earlier in this thread Verdana!


I agree, Verdana - Pia, you sound vaguelly Danish when you're speaking normally but you read poetry like a posh English woman.
My goodness Wallie man not posh- surely! I'm an Aussie cross Dane..
You sound like a posh English woman with a silver spoon stickin' out of 'er gob. I kept expecting you to say "My haice is posher than your haice, you lowly peasant" and "Let them eat cake." Oh no, that was Marie Antionette, and she was French.....
That sounds terrible Walrus- But I have noticed that many Danes speak english like I do- I think it is the accent. Was it that bad? And what's an Haice? an Haitch? I remember when I went to High School here our teacher taught Oxford English ! But that is a very very long time ago. But my Mother was a snob- maybe that's why? Couldn't you hear my Aussie accent? I hope so. Anyway that's probably how I sound. I don't care that much-
Pia, being a foreigner myself, I had to learn the subtlety of the English language. I believe that 'haice' is the way a posh person is assumed to pronounce the word 'house'. Cheers.


How you sound is how you sound. One day, perhaps, I'll put up a link to my not quite Brummie. I couldn't pick up your Aussie accent, Pia. Lots of countries teach 'Oxford English', by the way, even the posher schools in Jamamica.


Great stuff, Scratch, I just watched The Attic, I'll catch up on your other stuff later.
Thanks Walrus. I wanted to merge them all into one video but couldn't work out how to do it!


I'm hopeless with tech stuff, I can usually work my way through problems eventually but I ask my kids if I'm stuck. I've just had a fancy phone after years of using a very basic model, and I'm completely baffled by it.
Cork Oaks and Wild Pigs is stunningly good, Scratch.
In the Glare of the Sun is mighty powerful too, very evocative. I used to hunt hares and rabbits with dogs many moons ago, but I don't think I would be able to watch a bull fight.
The bull has virtually no chance. It's lottery odds for it it to get a result. Thanks for watching them.


There's a film on YouTube of a bull jumping into the audience, and I couldsn't help but cheer it on, and there's a very nasty one of a bull disemboweling a horse.
Wonderful reading of In the Glare of the Sun. A great write. I wish I had the natural ability to recite one of my own stories as well as you have. Splendid job, Peter. All the best, Rich


Stan, at the top of Peter's Youtube page you'll see a link that says desktop. That will take you to it. It took me a while to figure it out. But it works. And they're certainly worth watching. Rich

