All In It Together...
Sun, 2014-09-07 18:01
All In It Together...
These two headlines taken from today's news. Is it an example of utter hypocrisy or are the two things unrelated?
and then this...
Interesting. It would be good to see a higher proportion of the workforce joining a union and a higher proportion of union members voting. Apathy is a bigger threat than any government. As an aside, maybe the same rules should apply to the election of national governments. No government should be formed unless over 50% of the electorate has voted. Politicians should have to fight hard to get voter interest or risk a null Parliament. On the Treasury speaking up for bankers' bonuses: fascinating.
Parson Thru
Apathy is any Government's greatest ally.
Maybe you also just touched on the hypocrisy as well.
They're both propaganda snippets, journalists preening the govt's latest press releases (they didn't even bother naming the journo on the business advert...sorry, article). The BBC are the govt's most prevalent propogandist as pseudo-legitimate newsbearer. The papers will just copy, paste and reword for their perceived readership, all in the name of the free press.
During the week, there'll be 'news' on how the banks bolster the UK economy and how the unions are at an all-time low in membership; this 'allows' people to make their minds up. It's a machine that knows no boundaries, hence our low morale as a nation of potential dissenters. Consumer demoralisation in customer services is a new regime that shows how easy it is to abuse with a smile and a thank you. The elite's only goal is to break national sovereignty to realise one world govt.
Very interesting. Apathy / low voter turn-out doesn't do all this any harm. The Species Has Amused Itself To Death. Or a slight variation on that theme. Thumbs up their bums and their brains in neutral. A weakness of the human race. It's why I prefer producing to consuming. Bigger, brighter, louder, more stupor-inducing TVs. Bradbury was so right. I don't remember him stating who was benefiting.
Parson Thru
We are not all frightened and apathetic. If we look up from our Iphones there are still green fields, if we look beyond our giant TV there will be a photograph of the past on the wall, a vase of flowers, some artwork which induces a frisson of joy and further, to our side, a loved one whose face we fear, every day, we might forget.
Wars are fought in our bedrooms, on our roads, in our supermarkets, on the train to work, they are wars of hard stares and harsh words that cannot be forgotten. But besides all that and the politics of shame and greed, there are still fish in the sea and we are just more of them - singular, perfect and if we just knew it. Free.
Laurie Avadis x
I am frightened and apathetic. Mostly I sit on the fence. Bar by bar it's been removed so that now I'm standing on my feet. It's Us V's Them. Rich Vs Poor and we're getting fucked and being told it's good for us. Tory scum. What do you expect?
All the more reason to vote the Windbags of Westminster out of Scotland for good, Jack. They're so set on their goals for world domination and mass demoralisation that they've become complacent to the point of obscenity. If I was a Scot and I'd had to stomach the hideous truth of a country that estimates one million children are being abused in England alone (yet not one scumbag in authority is willing to own up that they knew about it and refuses to resign), I'd be laughing at Cameron, Clegg and Miliband racing up there in a last ditch attempt to win the Scots over with their sugared promises and smarmy smiles. Nothing could further the Yes vote more than having that sleazy bunch of shysters sucking the toe-ends of the sweaty socks. They seriously underestimated the strength of the Scots this time, thinking they'd be scared into voting no like the bland Aussies. There won't be any sovereignty soon so it may not count for much in the long term (ie if we let the elite run riot over our freedoms and form one world govt) but better to live out the last days with new resolve than barter with the auld enemy.
Would Scottish Independence really have a beneficial effect on the lives of Scots and on their democracy? I doubt it myself. Maybe I am just sceptical. I think probably Scotland has been well represented in Westminster and also in many government cabinets. Also the scottish parliament has had many powers. I don't see why the life of Scots is suddenly going to improve, it will probably just be a pipe dream. Progressive or left leaning Westminster governments could make a lot more difference to more people.
Surely independence will just mean endless discussions and arguments between the rump of the UK and Scotland over many matters., and the consequent waste of money on committees and expert advice, and civil servant time and research. We may end up falling out and having border disputes etc like Russia and the Ukraine. Most nationalisms end up in squabbling and unnecessary conflict. United we stand, divided we fall. Our military power may well become laughable as both nations would become too small to count in international politics.
Have a listen to this David.
Scotland Will Be Free