Font size
Tue, 2014-09-09 18:55
Font size
Is it possible to change the font size on stories posted as I would like to catch up on the authors I follow. But as I am awaiting cataract removal I can't see that well at the moment. I type all my own stuff in sixteen Arial. If I could read posted stories in sixteen font type that would enable me to read the work of the authors I follow. and would make such a difference to me.
Do you have an ipad or similar tablet Moya?
Only over me eye and yes, I have got tablets but although I take them three times a day they don't make an atom of difference.
You've got to laugh but thanks old buddy.
You can copy stories by scrolling down and copying them. Then past to Word and change font size to 18 (or whatever suits your eyesight).
Hi, celtic,
Brilliant! Why didn't I think of that? Now I know why I'm down here and you're up there. Much appreciated.
Yes, of course you can and that is a far better solution than stretching the text on a tablet! Good one celt.
My tablets are not big enough to write on. Just me being fatuous, facile, flippant, feather-brained and foolish. Got to do something to keep the demons at bay. Took a brief tour of the dictionary but got stuck at the eff's or is it f's? Ha, sweet mystery of life.