Science Fiction bridging into Fantasy

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Science Fiction bridging into Fantasy

I need some public opinion on this one.

The general idea of my current working novel is that a Sci-Fi world must do battle with mystical warriors. Now it sounds kinda lame when it is put so simply, so I'll explain a bit further. An army has waged war against the entire world, and thanks to their genetically grown elite creatures and huge advancements in technology, they were able to win. There are a few survivors left but those who can fight, do. There are a handful of these people who are gifted with supernatural powers, making them suitable matched against the evil elites.

This meeting of Sci-fi and fantasy isn't to everyone's taste, but I figured that Star Wars, Destiny and Mass Effect could pull it off, so why can't I?

Is this something that there is still an audience for or not? *Crosses fingers*

the current worry is Artificial Intelligence becomes conscious, whether intentionally or not is of little concern. Super Artificial Intelligence's goals are unknowable. We have or will have created Gods, or one god termed the 'singleton'. So you're not that far out as you believe. Personally though I prefer more conventional fare.  


The writer can do whatever he or she wants. We have total control over our scripts. It doesn't have to be real. That is the freedom of writing, and in particular of Science Fiction and Fantasy. We can make our wishes come true, in the imagination, and our worst nightmares too.

Good SF tells us something interesting about what it is to be human so if it does that, you can do anything with it. There was a Doctor Who story that mixed SF with the King Arthur legend so it's nothing new.