David Cameron - the legacy!
Posted by celticman on Sun, 17 Jul 2016
I was a bit miffed reading The Observer, ‘IN FOCUS’, that no one had asked me to write about David Cameron’s legacy. I can only guess that’s because a blank page wouldn’t appeal to the reader. They would think it was some kind of trick – like global warming on a miserable and wet Scottish Sunday. I listened to Jeremy Corbyn stand up (OK you can’t hear someone standing up on the radio)in the House of Commons (with very few commoners in the House- if any- and most of them from SNP) and thank David Cameron for his achievements. Corbyn mentioned two things: gay marriage and the release of a prisoner from the prison camp at Guantanamo Bay. The bar has not been set very high for the incoming Conservative leader and unelected Prime Minister, Theresa May.
There were echoes of Margaret Thatcher’s call for national unity 4th May 1979 and holding out the olive branch of St Francis of Assisi’s prayer in Theresa May’s speech to the media in the aftermath of her procession to Number 10 Downing Street. ‘Where there is discord, let me bring peace.’ Thatcher’s legacy lives on.
Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love; [Brexit, hatred and fear of the foreigner wins a Referendum. Nigel Farage resigns, claiming job done.]
Where there is injury, pardon; [Highest prison population in any of the modern economies, excluding that paragon of Black Lives don’t matter, USA.]
Where there is doubt, faith; [the great lie there is no such thing as society finds expression in George Osborne’s insistence on the government bringing down the Government’s deficit to levels below that of his hero Thatcher, or even that cartoon villain John Major. A Trojan horse for cuts, cuts, cuts that Thatcherite’s love so much because it is monopoly money ringing in the ears of the rich.]
Where there is despair, hope; [social mobility has went into reverse gear since Thatcher. The class system has become a caste system, with little or no intergenerational mobility. The sins of the father affect the son. The wins of the father stay with the family.]
Where there is darkness, light; [White lives don’t matter, if they are poor and working class. Chavs. Scum. Council House welfare cheats, how many Channel 4 and Channel 5 programmes must we endure Lord, how many, before You strike down Jeremy Kyle and the other middle-class lovies and Little Britoners?’]
Where there is sadness, joy. [always end on a joke. There was a kind of parity. George Osborne booed at the London Olympics and David Cameron booed at Wimbledon. Sadly, I wasn’t at either of these events to boo.
But Theresa’s May’s speech and her insistence on continuing with the successful electoral policy of punishing the poor while ostensibly helping them, via focusing on sleight of hand and the GDP ratio deficit, had me thinking of the London bankers threatening to move lock, stock and barrels of oil to New York unless they got the bonuses their work deserved and those New York bond boys swearing they’ll move to London unless they get the bonuses their work deserved. We sure did give them hell of a beating Mr Cameron. We sure did. What was it your dad, did again. Oh, yeh, create tax loopholes for the rich? All in the past, of course. History. Cameron who?}
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Well said.
yeh, steve, more of the same.
yeh, steve, more of the same.
Got an email today cm, guess
Got an email today cm, guess what has been posted out yip your novel. Cant wait. Takes courage to speak.ur mind and u do it with style. So ive decided that when I need to send gifts is goin to be your book. Not that I give many gifts but when I do.All the best with it pal. I reckon one day soon your writing will be more recognised. An thats a bloody very cool.thing.
great stuff steve, glad you
great stuff steve, glad you got your copy. You paid for it and people like you made it possible to get published, which is a big thing for me. cheers pal.
Blimey Celtic,
Blimey Celtic,
You should have stood for the job yourself. I'd have voted for you. Got my copy of your book yesterday. Looks good.
don't rule me out Moya, I'm
don't rule me out Moya, I'm standing in the next election to be mayor of somewhere. Hope you enjoy the book. Hit the review button on Amazon and review it.
Yeah I second that denzella.
Yeah I second that denzella. Cm if he wanted to be could be a breath of fresh air in politics. These blogs cm write wouldnt be out of place in the appropriate international broadsheets. Is true though oeh.
Cm.I dont know if ull pass through here again but I have a question about your novel. Sorry if this is the wrong forum.
When you write your novel do you focus on parts like chapters or even segments of chapters or are you always focus on the whole novel. Did that make sense.
Sorry for going onandon
yeh, it makes sense Steve.
yeh, it makes sense Steve. What you are talking about is structure. Those that remember the initial posts know it was nothing fancy and I just wrote it bang, bang, bang. The begining and middle and end fell into place, I guess, because I was aware what had already happened. So it was just wee bits that made up a bigger story. Still lots of work to do and I got lots of help from the people here. That's the difference between the first and last draft. And I'm not sorry you're going on about it because you supported the book and, more impressively, have shown interest. That's heartening.
Your novel arrived the other
Your novel arrived the other day. Ive got on the mantle piece. Im just finishing the pyscopath test, appropriate, by the way which is good read so going to start yours next. Im looking forward to it cause is set in glasgow so this for me makes it a bit more readable. When im finished ill try and leave a critique on amazon. Must feel.good though. I know if I ever write a novel which is on my bucket list ill be chuffed. I owe the local library some money just now but im planning to pay it soon then when im ok with them again ill order your book through them.
a place on the mantelpiece.
a place on the mantelpiece. Cheers mate. honoured.
Hi cm yeah see in london on
Hi cm yeah see in london on.oxford st sometimes you see authors who have self published or maybe even unbound but you see guys selling there novels just pitching up. I would do that. I think scottish citysvand scots would be quite warm to persons doing that. Who am I to tell you. But I would be doing things like that mate anything to earn a extra few quid and tto get the work out there. Are you planning to go to writing festivals to do some promotion. Sorry if im been.intrusive here its none of my business im just inteterested thas all as I could see you been quite successful as a stand up author someone who could talk to an audience. I think you could gather quite a few fans and sell your work to. I used to busk my poetry in glasgo, what a gig that wzs would just pitch up with a board with some of my crap poetry on display and start reciting it yeah I made a few quid enough for smokes and a coffee or two though I would only be out there for an hour or so. I mind a group of young hooligans surrounded me listening scratching there heads they were like was this bam on aboot an threatened to bottle me so that put me of a bit. If I had written a novel and wzs in scotland theres some good things happening aye write the edinburgh festival ect. Im sure you know all this.
Oh if I remember rightly years ago I was doing research on different routes of promotion for self publishing authors and im.sure you heard of fopp music shops got chains through out uk anyway if I remember right they were willing to stock pod authors in there shops. Theres two in glasgo I think.
I don't know much about
I don't know much about promotion steve. I just write bits and pieces on here. You've done more than me in that field. I guess it's something I'll need to learn to do. emm not sure.
Yeah so the fopp music shop i
Yeah so the fopp music shop i was talking about basically if you go there and say your a new local author and you would like to try and sell your new novel in there shops. I think the idea is that you would have to stock there shops with your novel and you would come to some sort of deal in regards to finance, profit. So yeah it would be up to you to arrange for the novels to be in there shop maybe doing that buy buying of unbound maybe in some sort of deal for x amount of books. I think if you wanted to do this you would find i think quite a few shops would be interested.
You seem like a writer though first and foremost and maybe the business side might not interest you much.
uh listen cm sorry man i
uh listen cm sorry man i think ive let my mouth get the better of me on this blog which in the start was an excellent blog by you but in posts by me ive made it into some kind of personell chit chat. sorry ill be quiet now and let what matters the creative writing be the talking point.