Introduction to my Epic Story

Dwellers Of The New World took me

many years to write, and set me out on

a great adventure which proceeded the

first story: The Chosen Ones.


I tried to create a fiction that would take

the reader into another realm of existence,

leaving behind the reality of our world.


I wanted to embark on a journey into the

unknown, taking my characters with me

and leaving the reader mesmerized.


There was never going to be a chance of

getting this story published, so as I put

Dwellers on abc tales many years ago,

I thought it was about time I revived it

for a new audience of readers.


So I've gone back over this epic tale

editing and linking the story, so that

now the reader can explore at leisure.

I hope readers enjoy.


Dwellers of the New World Prologue | ABCtales


Thanks for flagging this, Jenny. I have started reading and am enjoying already. Is it worth putting them in a separate folder on your profile so they can easily be found? Just a thought. 


Hi Paul,

I know it sounds daft considering how long I've been on abc tales, but I still don't know how to transfer them into a seperate folder. But I'm glad you are enjoying.

Thank you for letting me know.



Hi Jenny. It's a doddle. You just go to write > create a collection > add stories to this collection. The last step then shows all of the stories you have posted and you just click on the ones you want to add to the collection. It's up you, of course. Paul x


Thanks Paul. smiley I just don't want to loose peoples comments, they've all been so kind.



I remember that story with great pleasure Jenny, and I hope this blog post gets you many more readers


Thanks so much insert, that's very kind of you. 



good luck, jenny. 


That's so kind of you to say Jack. 

Thank you.
