Lucky Strike by rattus

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Lucky Strike by rattus

This is a very professional piece of work. It's very long and I will admit that in the confines of a working day I haven't yet finished it - but I will print up the remaining pages and read them on he train home tonight.

This is the latest in a long line in this genre of American writing - which is what makes it all the more remarkable. It will surprise and intrigue you.

It's worth the time.

I have just read some of this, very long, piece and what I have read is very good indeed. But then any writing that contains words like, bindle punk, grifter, ju jus etc. is going to get my vote everytime... What d'ya hear, what d'ya say, Rattus
Glad you both liked it. Though I have now realised that stories (novels) this length aren't normally posted. Please forgive a newbie on ABC. I fell in love with the film noir style as a teenager when I used to stay up late watching the old crime movies on BBC2. I then discovered the joy of Raymond Chander, and, more recently, the brilliance of James Ellroy. I always wanted to write a story in this style but was worried; it is so easy to come across as derivitive, cliched or as spoof - so I am very glad that you have enjoyed it.
Nothing cliched at all! Hell, it reads like a real book. Must continue...
I'm in total agreement with Lou Rattus. If you want to see what cliched and spoof looks like check out my effort; The Hourglass Blemish, on this site. Take it easy kid, just don't forget your roscoe...
Never ever forget your roscoe! I read The Hourglass Blemish and really enjoyed it; but I am a sucker for the 'hardboiled' fiction - as you've probably guessed. I just love lines like the one you have about 'the only time I've been jealous of a cigarette'. Maybe its becuase I am so useless in life that I love these oh so cool and world weary characters! I have been writing for amny many years and I consider Lucky Strike to be one of my best pieces. But it is so f******* annoying trying to get published. I'm not saying I am a genius who deserves to be published (far from it!), but I really have come to the assumption that it is who who know in the publishing world, rather than any talent you might have.
That's a long and complex debate. Take a look at rokkinite's thread on General Discussion. I love Chandler and Elroy too - but there are so many others out there too in this style - Elmore Leonard, Tami Hoag and more and more. It proves that it sells so keep at it and someone,. somewhere may snap you up!
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