Yesterday I Resigned

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Yesterday I Resigned

I'm 54 years old, married with two kids at university. I must admit I am also financially secure. I spent last week in a series of meetings in New York. By Thursday I looked around the meeting room and decided I couldn't bear these wankers any longer. I thought about it on the flight home and as soon as the plane's wheels hit Heathrow I texted my resignation. I plan to spend the next two years writing. I don't care if I'm talentless. I don't care if nothing gets published. It's just something I want to do. Do I need psychiatric help?

Lucky, lucky you! What a wonderful prospect. I dont think you're mad - quite the opposite! I hope you find fulfilment. Look forward to reading some of your stuff on here. Linda


Well done, fella. I take my hat off to you for following a new path and wish you all the best in your writing pursuit.


Follow your dreams!
You're living the dream - go for it! Good on you
Very best wishes on your new directions. All you need to write is a pen and paper---now don't speak about it any further; write. Richard, from Nova Scotia, Canada.
Richard L. Provencher
Good plan .. the wankers will be jealous !! Dx
Good luck to you! I did something similar a few years back, although not with the intention of writing, that's just how things have turned out. One of the last things my dad ever said to me, before he died, was that it was a terrible thing to be unhappy in your work. Be happy. Life's too short.


Good on you. A brave decision and in your case- wise.
I had to wait until I retired but well done for taking the plunge.
Good luck with your new venture, Assassin. I always thought that there's nothing worse than working with wankers, but right now, after over three years without employment, I guess I'd rather work with wankers than not work at all. But then I'm not financially secure - if I was I'd be a little happier.
Fanbloodytastic - go for it


Hello, TheShyAssassin... You are such a lucky man...For you to consider and appreciate and do something about your inert talent in the art of writing literature at an early age before retirement. And to think that your confidence is at its peak since you're financially comfortable! What blessings you have, oh boy! I'm your opposite: Struggling financially to support not only my desire to write and pursue publications of my stories, but more to survive the day-to-day assault of staying alive -- you know, food, comfort, rentals, bills, and more bills. Those who say you've gone crazy in pursuing a dream to write are the ones who need psychiatric help. More power, TSA, and all the best of luck! fellocius boille endless possibilities are airy excuses

endless possibilities are airy excuses

Good luck. I've been in meaningless employment for the last twelve months and have managed to write loads. But I'm the opposite of you, I've just got a really good job and am rejoining the rat race. I think I will come to miss my first coffee in the garden, planning out my writing day. All the best of luck to you.


First rule of mystery gunmannery - don't tell anyone you're a mystery gunman... otherwise you're just a common or garden gunman.