Poetry Cafe

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Poetry Cafe

Has anyone ever been to the Poetry Cafe in Covent Garden? They are doing an open mic night tomorrow evening and I'm thinking about signing up to read, as long as I don't have to pay a million pounds to become a member and that kind of thing.

Just wondering if anyone's been before?

Haven't been myself but I know someone who has. They say membership is free, but you do have to give your email address. It was quite a while ago, though, so not sure if things have changed. If you do go, I hope you enjoy it;-)


Thanks! I signed up so hopefully that will allow me to read. I'll miss the friendly ABC faces, that's for sure.


I've seen it onthe poetry society website - not sure if it's directly linked to them Maggy, but there might be more info there.


If you did have to pay a million pounds to become a member I would certainly want to hear the readings


I'm pretty sure I went there quite randomly a few years ago. It was very tightly packed but I enjoyed it. But I was on the receiving end of the poetry not delivering it.
Thanks everyone, haha Lavadis you have a point there. They'd have to read from gold sheets of paper. Alex, good/scary to know that it was packed out!


Good luck if you do read Maggy.


As I recall the room was quite small so it didn't take a massive crowd to pack it out. Oh, and instead of clapping, everyone clicked their fingers if they liked a poem. Or threw rotten fruit, in tins, if not. Good luck, I'm sure you'll be great! Maybe I'll pop in and catch the performance!
It is a small room and it gets very hot down there. It's also noisy if there are people upstairs - but it's worth going along and giving it a whirl. Do let us know how you get on!
Go for it, Maggy, and let us know how it went. Perhaps just read one or two poems (definitely include a Christmas carol sort of) and really offer it out with guts. I think that if you can memorise the poem/s, you'll capture people's imaginations much more. Go get 'em.


Okay small and hot, I won't wear a woolly Christmas jumper then. Richard, that's a good tip I've got nothing to do at work so I'll sit in my little corner and memorise. I'll let you know how it goes!


I'm convinced that it's all in the delivery. Whatever you do, find a character for your poem to work with and run with it (as an experiment of fun). Even dress up a little to major on impact. Overdo it. Turn it into theatre. Have fun. Definitely memorise it. The only thing to fear is fear, so tell it to take a hike.


The Poetry Caff is fab, UKA have had a couple of 'do's there. The room downstairs wasn't that small, as I recall (we managed to squash in 50-60 at any rate), and there was always the room upstairs (with the bar) to escape to if you want to. Even better, the venue is (or was) free as long as you bought their booze, which was not a hardship. http://www.ukauthors.com
Great stuff Andrea, sounds like an exciting place.


Hi Maggy, hope you've enjoyed your night at the cafe. It's a nice place :) I've been to a few things in there, but haven't read (except when I turned up for a music & poetry night and it turned out to be this acting/performace coaching workshop with about three of us analysing each other's poems), it's got a nice sense of spontaneity in there I think. Let us know how it went?! x


Just got home. It was crazy night, in a really good way. Lots of really interesting people, one poet in particular made me bawl my eyes out, he spoke and used sign language and it was just beautiful. I got some good feedback as well, I've given out my ABC Tales profile to a few people and I hope we'll get some more signed on. The best thing about it was how supportive everyone was, if you hadn't read before they would announce you as a "Poetry Unplugged Virgin" and everyone would clap and cheer just that much louder. I suggest that Londoners get down there. It's on every Tuesday and they start again somewhere in the new year.


Nice one Maggy. I'm so glad that you jumped in an good on you for what I bet was a great performance.


Well in, Maggy. Sounds like you popped your proverbial cherry with aplomb!


new maggyvaneijk Hi! Sounds very exciting. Like The 'Wheatsheaf' London. You go it girl. Well done! Sometimes rooms,in pub pay about,£3 enter name as pay,or do something,read from paper. Libraries have poets,or reading,some mix other things in too. But could happen anywhere! I am sure you were are the tops of the cream,your work. Just think! someone is listening and you want,your poem to be heard or stories,listening other's gives ideas. Maybe all pubs and cafe's etc could set up venues nights. All over,passing by sometimes have AbcTales mag say to them,join very interested,anything really bringing them in,all ages answer. Course hard to stand and do anything,just concentrate on main thing doing. People come,ask Q. Good luck! happy christmas. julie xx