Denzella has News too!
I have something I am desperate to share with fellow ABC Talers 'cos they are the only ones who will really understand. Sometime ago I won a short story competition which was Europe wide as well as North America and the prize was they would print ten copies of my book. Lovely if I had written one but alas, no. However they agreed to print some of my poems and short stories and they said the book could be any length and today I received my ten copies and I am thrilled. The theme had to be something loosely based on Autumn. My book is entitled Winter Comes When Autumn Leaves and the last story in the book is my winning entry.
This comes on top of one of my poems being accepted and published in the Gold Dust Magazine as well as their Anthology and like Alibob I have also had a piece accepted by The Guardian.
I will be brought down on Thursday though as the Parkinson's Players read a play which I co -wrote and last week's rehearsal was dire. But hey ho this has all come together after my confidence was rock bottom and I really thought I would hang up my pen. Sorry this post is me, me, me but I am soooo excited.
Parson Thru