Second Critique Session
Mon, 2013-10-14 06:06
Second Critique Session
First, i would like to thank Luke for last night's critique session. Thank you too to everyone who commented on my work. As a result I have edited my story Dripsnot Goes in Search of a Wife. Just a bit of punctuation nothing too drastic. This story was posted back in April, I think it was, but on looking at it again i could see some of my sentences were too long in the opening paragraph.
I very much enjoyed reading and commmenting on everyone's work.
Sorry Dripsnot was posted n January not April
sorry Denzella, your piece wasn't included in the portfolio I received. I'll have a look later. Cheers for your input.
Hello celtic,
Thank you.
I so enjoyed last night but I was sorry that I didn't get it printed because I can only remember one thing concerning punctuation on my story and I don't have the critiques for the other stories although I printed out the actual stories.
I think that the transcripts of the chat can be printed Moya but not retrospectively (I know that doesn't help now but might be important for future). I have my notes on your piece I'll type them up and send them out to you. Thanks for you help and support on all levels.
Hello Peter,
The first page disappears straight after the comments go on to a second page. I tried printing off the second page but it came out in such small print it was unreadable. Luke may know how to do it at least it might be possible for next time. I just wanted to show Derek all the comments not just mine but everybody's because he had read my comments on everyone' work.
Peter, it's a privelege to comment on such a fine piece as Daniel.
Glad to hear you enjoyed the critique, Moya! I had a great time and really thought all the work included was outstanding - I hope we can arrange to meet again next month.
I had the same problem with the chat comments as you. I was hoping to copy them all so I'd have a hard copy for the archive but, as you point out, this chat provider is a bit tricky! I think we may try out a different service next time that is a little easier to use, from that perspective. Nonetheless, I'll send you my notes on Dripsnot soon - again, a hilarious piece!
Hello Luke,
Thanks for that. I enjoyed reading all the stories and then seeing all the comments. For those people who didn't manage to get to the session I will try to post my comments such as they are to each one's page. Just give me a day or two.
Hello all, it was such a constructive opportunity. Really enjoyed it - both reading other's work and receiving feedback. Never gave the chat transcript a thought, actually, but I did note down suggestions from you folks. Thanks to you all - look forward to the next. Huge thanks to you celtic, too for all your time on edits and comments, was so kind of you. I'm ready to gut with a big ass blade.