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I've just signed up and uploaded my first couple stories, and I'm just wondering how everything works around here. For example, are comments we leave on stories and poems public? And is there any special way to get comments and critiques from others?

And other than that I'm just saying hi and introducing myself (Hi, I'm Emma, nice to meet you.)

And that's it. Happy Holidays!

Welcome :) The comments you put beneath the poems/stories are public, but you can message the author if you want to send a private one. As for getting comments/critique, commenting on other people's work seems to help, otherwise you just have to check every so often to see if someone has left one. If you really want advice on something though, say, to improve, etc, you can always flag it on the "Discuss Writing..." forum.
Hello and welcome.


A big welcome to you - I look forward to reading your comments!
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