Blockedy, blockedy, blocked, blocked, blocked.

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Blockedy, blockedy, blocked, blocked, blocked.

I've got four months worth of stuff to write up ... can't do it. Not a damned word is forthcoming from my stiff little fingers. 


I keep finding any excuse not to sit and do it. 


It's all there in my head like a big colostomy bag of stuff bursting to get out ... but that first word cork just won't come. 

K _Burgin (recently new on the site) goes by Hemingway's mantra of "write drunk, edit sober".  Try that Sooz, it might do the trick.


Write the last sentence of one of your pieces. One line. Not a thing more. It works like Dulcolax.


oh sooz - I am in the same place. I hope you manage to unblock yourself xx


Use toilet duck. Unblocks anything. After two lots of toilet duck I write so much shite I don't even read it myelf.


I'm sending some good writing vibes your way, dear Sooz. I've just now sent them skipping their way down the Hudson river bound for the Atlantic. Unless they get shanghied in the Carribbean they should make it your way in no time. I've bundled them with a lot of affection. Hope you find them useful.




Sooz you wrote Blocked easy enough you, can write Unblocked just as easy.  Or listen to music or Paul McKenna with his series I can make you...?  Which should of course be re-named. 'You can make me...Rich!'
