just to update on the BBC sports shorts thingy. I've been told they're gonna produce my little play.
They want me there on the day of recording- 28th Nov, so I might nip out and get some jodphurs, a beret and a megaphone... oh and perhaps one of those long cigarette holders. They're also having an 'event' where the winners will be intereviewed so I'll try and get a mention of ABCtales into my three seconds of airtime.
It's gonna be so weird hearing people saying my dialogue out loud and I might just pooh myself if it gets a laugh (the dialogue that is, not poohing myself, I haven't done that for comedic effect since my student days)
anyway I thought I'd blow the old trumpet again. I tried to add this to the old thread about it but there's no option for adding posts anymore, must have a 'post by date' or something.
The All New Pepsoid the Second!