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just to update on the BBC sports shorts thingy. I've been told they're gonna produce my little play.
They want me there on the day of recording- 28th Nov, so I might nip out and get some jodphurs, a beret and a megaphone... oh and perhaps one of those long cigarette holders. They're also having an 'event' where the winners will be intereviewed so I'll try and get a mention of ABCtales into my three seconds of airtime.

It's gonna be so weird hearing people saying my dialogue out loud and I might just pooh myself if it gets a laugh (the dialogue that is, not poohing myself, I haven't done that for comedic effect since my student days)

anyway I thought I'd blow the old trumpet again. I tried to add this to the old thread about it but there's no option for adding posts anymore, must have a 'post by date' or something.

woo hee! Congratulations ely - and all mentions would be very greatly appreciated!
Oh fabulous! Well done, Ely! Bet it'll be a hoot. * pricks thumb embroidering Mr Ely on back of director's chair *
Great stuff Ely! I hope you will write something about the experience as I'm sure a lot of people here would find it really interesting. Make them give you a chair with your name on it :O) Good luck!
Oops, sorry Lou, I see you are already working on the chair :O)
Good stuff there Ely. I'm sure you'll get a laugh. I laugh at your efforts all the time. (Puts tongue in cheek and prepares to get thumped.) Cheers, Mark Brown, Editor,


Hey! Congratulations "No lids" and well deserved, your play made me laugh out loud when I read it...Well done ely.
well done ely remember that actors do not count as real people and you can make them do anything you like


There's hope for all of us! Well done, Mr. W... :-) * P * :-)

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

thanks everyone, I'll try my best to get the old ABC link in there somwehere but it'll probably get cut down to a soundbite, if that. anywho, I'll keep y'all posted if it's worth a mention.
quick report. It was amazing. Never heard my stuff spoken aloud before. There were real actors (one I've seen on the telly) brought in specifically to do my little play; two real producers, real engineers, a real sound technician and even a real bloke paid to time the dilalogue. It was done in a real recording studio, so real in fact that to speak to the actors you had to lean across a big desk covered in sliders and nobs and press a button. There were monitors with wavey lines on and loads of mics and cables and the smell of stale coffee. I managed to sit in on the morning recording of one of the other winning entries, it was a moving piece in the form of letters passed back and forth between an African mother and her son who's moved to play for Man Utd. His twin brother stays in Africa to be a doctor and eventually dies of aids on the day his brother runs out onto the New wembly turf in the Fa Cup final. It's a weepy and I was told that mine was not the only comedy but the funniest by a mile so that was good top hear. I was told I'd be interviewed and that it would act as an intro so I spent the day thinking up cool and witty things to say, as well as trying to get a mention for my novel and ABC Tales in there but when the time came I only got twenty seconds and I was, frankly, shite!!! the only disappointment was that as mine was the last to be recorded, it meant that everyone else had finished and were at liberty to attend a 'masterclass' where they met the head of drama and the head of comedy and loads of other big wigs while I was stuck in the studio. I had all my best work loaded onto a CD rom and managed to slip it into the hand of the woman in charge of the Writersroom at the BBC but that was it for networking I'm afraid. I've had an email since saying 'well done' and also that I can use the contacts there including the two producers who have said they're willing to be 'gateways to the radio drama development team' to send any future work and it will be flagged up and read/responded to by the script people at the bbc as our names are now on a list of 'accepted writrers'. so there you go, I'm off to write the new 'office' and kick Ricky Gervaise off the stage at the next baftas.
sorry forgot to say, it's being broadcast on christmas day between 8-9 pm and again on New years day between 5-6 on Radio 5 live.
wow, fantastic, i'll definitely listen to that...great news
Ohhh congrats to you...can you do me a favour Ely and just reply to my post saying hello...then when I tune in I can look really important in front of relations by declaring that you once said hi.
Ohhh congrats to you...can you do me a favour Ely and just reply to my post saying hello...then when I tune in I can look really important in front of relations by declaring that you once said hi.
Ohhh congrats to you...can you do me a favour Ely and just reply to my post saying hello...then when I tune in I can look really important in front of relations by declaring that you once said hi.
grrrr...just once will do.
Hey, that's great news, Ian. Good luck to you mate, I'll listen in.


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