RE: Angela Bromley Has Massive Tits

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RE: Angela Bromley Has Massive Tits

Topic posted in response to Angela Bromley Has Massive Tits :

Topic posted in response to Angela Bromley Has Massive Tits :

I did try to comment on this, er, story, but couldn't, presumably because the author doesn't allow feedback, so here I am, in the forum, having nothing to say except that the best way to get your story into the 'Most Read' category is to use the words 'tits' and 'massive'.

Nil points, author and ABCtales.

Look how long it has been posted too, though. Comments are a relatively recent development; in the last 18 months or so. You can't comment on posts put up before that time frame. I imagine, had comments been available in 2005, the number of reads would have trebled. I think everyone one who joins ABC is disappointed at this evidence of people's low tastes. Not really ABC's fault though, is it? Unless you are proposing censorship?
I am confused. You wanted to comment on it because you had 'nothing to say'?


Might also note that the story pre-dates the "most read category" by a number of years, so I doubt that was the authors intention. And whilst I'm at it. How do you suggest abctales judge the most read, except by the counting the number of reads (if not those who read all the way through to the end)? And I think it's a perfectly good, er, story.


Has anyone stopped to consider if Angela Bromley is happy that her massive tits are displayed on ABCtales? And why is it necessary to have a 'most read' feature on ABCtales? And why is the sky so high?
Anonymous's picture
Most read in the last week would be good.
Anonymous's picture
There's a most read list on the home page, among other lists. That's how this thread came about. It's true that most read isn't necessarily a reflection of quality, but it may be a reflection of what it's users are interested in. As this is has always been a community as well as a place to read good writing, directing users quickly to the hot topics is important. So I supopse 'Most commented on' may be better. You could have it as a rolling 5 day table. This will quickly direct users' (and potential users') attention to where the buzz is. This would obviously sit nicely alongside the cherry picking system.
Certainly where the 'buzz' is. Or where the best insults are being traded, or where the greatest digressions are to be found. It's probably unlikely to be any great guarantee of quality either. I'd like to see it, though - and would be delighted to be proven wrong.
OK - food for thought. Let's see if FTSE can come up with a gizmo to make it work!
Broadband connection probs, so this is the first chance I've had to catch up with the thread - sorry. One of my reasons for awarding ABCtales nil points is that, if an author doesn't want comments, ABCtales shouldn't therefore comment on it by awarding it a cherry. No comments should mean no comments. However, I hadn't realised there was a time when stories couldn't be commented on at all, so that reason is now irrelevant. My other reasons are as follows: 1. Until coming across this piece, all the cherry-picked pieces I've read here so far have deserved them - I might not have cherry-picked them myself (it's all subjective, isn't it), but I can always see why others might. Not so with this. I found the fact that someone deemed it worthy of a cherry an insult to all the writers here whose much, much better work hasn't been cherry-picked. Saying that publicly is maybe not the done thing, but I was so amazed I just had to comment on it. 2. The 'Most Read' feature is pointless in my view because it sends the wrong message to visitors who may use it as a way to gauge the standard of work posted here (which is generally very high). This has been proved by this particular story being the Most Read by miles; and it's been Most Read partly because the members have read it purely because of the title (which is no doubt what the author hoped would happen), but mostly and disturbingly because it's obviously been found by non-members googling for porn. Of course ABCtales shouldn't have censored it, but having a Most Read feature is drawing attention to it that it doesn't deserve, and is sending completely the wrong message to writers and readers about what ABCtales is about.
'Most Commented On' as suggested might be useful, but it would be mainly poetry and the odd piece of flash fiction as that's all most time-strapped people read and comment on. Certainly more useful than 'Most Read' though, that's for sure, although it's bound to be abused by friends and family, just to get a piece some extra attention. That happens on another site I used to frequent.
most read - who cares? Especially when our own clicks count ! Most comments? look on the main board for recently added, the forum, and the cherrypicked, and - lo - there is a number to tell of reads and comments and author replies - if these things attract, knock yourself out - i prefer getting to know or knowing a writer's work and/or being attracted by an interesting title - - id also like to see the blurb be limited to one line, or removed completely -waste of space - most of it is unappealing rather than enticing - a good cup of coffee also would be appreciated -i am obviously quite narky presently -sorry, goodafternoon x


...hands LittleD a large mug of colombian fair trade, double strength, nods...x


you are very kind, thank you x


Whisky. You *can* comment on it. You did. Here. For years we managed very well with just this forum and no comments under the stories. In fact personally I think it worked a little bit better that way. In defence of the story, it's a realistic depiction of a teenage voice, not so far removed from a certain recent and much lauded novel. It's also bloody hilarious to boot. The title, hit grabbing though it is, is perfectly relevant and appropriate to the story. It is possible that Flash chose it in order to disappoint thousands of horny googlers (I wouldn't put it past him), but I'll bet he actually chose it because it was funny.


Et voila! Hmm... members reads?
Hi This was written after a late night bit of banter/convo in the UK authors chat room , with several lady members of that site. For some reason bra sizes were being bandied about ... 36DD being the smallest...ahem!! Anyway as said , at the time "Most Read," wasn't a feature here , neither was it obvious that Google could affect hits here so heavily, well it wasn't to me anyway until later with another of my stories. So the title wasn't chosen to attract hoards of bishop bashers to the site via Google, but was just a direct/juvenile/funny attention seeking title... whatever you chose, to catch the attention of the Uka members who took part in the convo , when i submitted it on Uka all those eons ago. I remember another thread with this theme a while ago, where i misspelt a celebrities name in the title, this had the affect that the title appeared on the first page of google, when that name was searched with that spelling. If i hadn't of changed it to the correct spelling , that particular title might be higher up in the "Most Read," category, maybe even top. Thanks for your kind comments Maddan. Hello again Ditty and Elfy, hope you're both well. Oh and welcome to Abc whiskey, and congratulations on electing yourself as spokesperson for all the writers here and what they stand for. Nice to have a bit of subjectivity and narrow mindedness keeping the site clean and on the straight and narrow. Pity Stormy and Missi weren't here to give you a proper Abc welcome.
hallo flashypants, 36:DDitty xx


'lo there Flash, still ticking over, hope life is good with you :-)) Lenax


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