Interpretation of signs and symbols

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Interpretation of signs and symbols

Man has been interpreting signs in the natural world for millenia. Some may have a deeper scientific reasoning behind them, some of them are rather meaningless superstition.

Signs familiar to all of us are sighting of heraldic birds such as eagles or albatross or the departure of the ravens from the Tower of London.

But yesterday, whilst on my journeys around London I sighted TWO Bill Oddie look-alikes and one Ronnie Barker. Can anybody tell me what this means?

no but i saw william shatner in tesco's carpark ...
Two Bill Odies is a good thing. To see just the one, would mean bad luck. Fish, was William Shatner lying down? ~
Regarding Bill Oddie... One for sorrow, Two for joy... So this is obviously a good sign! A single Ronnie, though, bereft of his "other half"... Perhaps you are feeling a little disjointed, a little disconnected from your Self, a little out of touch with your true nature and your deep spiritual being? pe ps oid ... What is "The Art of Tea"? ... (

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Ah, but one Ronnie in the hand is worth two in the bush!
ah...thanks Peps! Fish, William Shatner represents non-authoritarian leadership, courage, exploration and adventure. Tesco represents domestic situations. Car parks represent waiting. So obviously, you are going to have lead your family on a daunting yet exciting project. However, you will need patience as there will be some waiting for results involved. jude "Cacoethes scribendi"


Last night I dreamed that one of the drs I work with, was chasing me with a dead peacock, the feet of which got tangled in my hair. What does this mean Jude?
Peacock... ...wholeness, authority of self, and the expression of one’s own beauty... ( As to the chasing and the hair entanglement and the deadness thereof... erm... Jude? :-/ pe ps oid ... What is "The Art of Tea"? ... (

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

If you go along with Jung's theory, all characters in a dream are parts of yourself. Doctors represents authority and healing Peackocks in chinese mythology they represent divinity, rank, power, and beauty. In sufi and hindu folklore they are Godly messengers and in indian folklore they represent pride and vanity. The doctor chasing you represents you are resisting some aspect of forgiveness and reconciliation in your life. Your pride, represented by the peackock is standing in the way of this healing. The feet of the peacock becoming tangled in your hair means there is a struggle between intellect and emotion. The fact that the Dr caught up with you shows that despite yourself you want there to be a change in the situation. The peacock being dead indicates that ultimately humility and healing will triumph over pride and stubborness. jude "Cacoethes scribendi"


Or she once had a bad experience with a doctor and a dead peacock, which was so traumatic she has locked it away behind a Wall of Forgetfulness...? pe ps oid ... What is "The Art of Tea"? ... (

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

william shatner was standing up ...
how bloody wierd jude. That is almost spot on. I am about to resign from my job - taking blood from chronically ill regular patients, and am having a bit of a problem with it because I love this job. The struggle for me is that it doesnt pay me much (or rather, barely anything) and that it's not ultimately what I ought to be doing. Strange.
spooooooky jude ... you should do this for a living ... here is another one: (not a dream but a symbolic thingie) i took my son to work the other morning v early ... the yard he works at is in the middle of the countryside and to get there you go up a narrow single track road ... as we drove up the road i was startled to see the road blocked by a massive white dog ... looked like an irish wolfhound ... i wound down the window and spoke to the dog who seemed to smile at me (freaky) then he went round the back of the car and disappeared under a fence and ran purposefully across the field ...
you were both green, so he thought it was a turkey farm. There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed - Dennett

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

Sorry to revisit my thread and 'pop to the top' but today (and I tell no lie) I saw TWO Tony Robinson lookalikes. The one I saw walking down Tottenham Court Road was so convincing, I think it might have been the man himself rather than a look-alike. The second one I met later turned out to be called Richard, but nonetheless it seems significant. I wonder what it could mean. jude "Cacoethes scribendi"


Must be some kind of cunning plan. Craig
He turned out to be called Richard? lol :) There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed - Dennett

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

This thread is awesome. Please, Jude, become abctales' resident Mystic Meg!
As soon as I remember a dream I'll post it. My problem is that I almost never remember dreams. When I do, the meaning is usually very obvious. In fact, if what I rather laughingly call my "real life" were anywhere nearly as obvious as my seldom remembered dreams, the day would go so much more smoothly. "You don't need the light of the Lord to read the handwriting on the wall." Copies of Warsaw Tales available through
I really cannot take the credit for my gift of dream interperetation. I believe the spirit of Rod Hull is channeling messages to me from the spiritual realm. In 1999, two or three days before he died, I had the most incredibly vivid dream about being in Emu's pink windmill with Rod and Emu. I was struck by the coincidence when shortly thereafter he fell from his roof whilst adjusting his aerial and this obviously meant something. The aerial represented receptiveness to signals. But the receipt of messages must be for good and not bad purposes (he was watching Man U Vs Inter Milan at the time) otherwise I could come to great harm. In my dream, Emu represented the mute, repressed, angy and violent side of myself and the need for control. Please keep sending your dreams in readers. jude "Cacoethes scribendi"


'In my dream, Emu represented the mute, repressed, angy and violent side of myself and the need for control.' Yes, very astute. Without Emu, Rod Hull would've just been an old man clutching at children's genitals.
Rod Hull? lol oo..I've got to go and google him...he'll come under 'eerie children's entertainers' There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed - Dennett

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

God, he's scary. A dream featuring rod hull? OGH! That'd be worse than meeting bert and ernie in a forest at night. There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed - Dennett

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

i dreamt i had a willy and it was 8 foot long ... i had just been to see Little Shop of Horrors tho ...
Forget Freud and Penis envy and LSH, your dream is actually about potency, effect and how you think you are esteemed by society. You have a sure sense of self-worth and a quiet and healthy belief in your own abilities but are looking for a more visible way of expressing and showcasing them. jude "Cacoethes scribendi"


I used to dream I could take off my willy, give it a wash in the sink and put it back again... and I had a small selection of "spare" willies... :-? pe ps oid ... What is "The Art of Tea"? ... (

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

'... and I had a small selection of "spare" willies...' :-? you are very perceptive over women's wants and needs. There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed - Dennett

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

I think two Bill Oddies means that more men are forgetting to shave and like sleaveless cagools. How do you spell cagools? I had a dream the other night where I always broke into people's houses to get places rather than going the long way round. There was one house I kept going to but they had these decorative mini shoes on the windowsill which I kept knocking off as I jumped out.. then next time I went back they had been set up again, all five, in the same place. There was a legless dog in it too, but it wasn't really part of the narrative. Last night I dreamt about Dougie Henshall who was working as a delivery man and wore a nice shiny navy peaked cap, and it is doing my head in today. It's like the time I dreamt about having a bubble bath with Noel Gallagher and really believed, on waking, that I knew him. Nothing more boring than other people's dreams I know, but had to put it out somehow.
decorative mini shoes? Like the ones we pinched off the loo windowsill at the brewery?
I once dreamt about rescuing Pamela Anderson from a block of ice... pe ps oid ... What is "The Art of Tea"? ... (

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Peps, the willies dream indicates that you present many public personas. Each willy represents one of your 'stage characters' which you present in various situations. You do not display the real you so that people cannot hurt you by rejection or ridicule since they are only rejecting or riduculing one of your masques. Pamela Anderson represents your libido...go figure. Ferg, It's cagoule I think! The house break dream is about conflict between your emotional needs and happiness and society's expectations of you. You do not subscribe to the 'norm' of middle- England work-like-a-dog then spend spend spend but have doubts about your life-ethic from time to time.The mini shoes represent the five material pillars the West aspires to own or buy regularly; house, car, holidays, entertainment and mod cons. The Dougie Henshall/ Noel Gallagher dreams are just healthy fantasy. We all have them! jude "Cacoethes scribendi"


Obviously the two Tony Robinsons represent both the silly Baldrick Tony Robinson and the serious -makes documentaries about his mum- Tony Robinson. The fact that one of the Tony Robinsons turned out to not be Tony Robinson means you should empthasise the other Tony Robinson side of your life. Now all you have to do is work out which Tony Robinson was which.


Similarly the two Bill Odies probably represent both the silly Goodies Bill Odie and the more serious wildlife documentary Bill Odie.


...but deep down, both Bill Oddie's are the "Silly" Bill Oddie... and both Tony Robinsons are the "Baldrick" one... go figure! (PS. you're damned good at this, Jude... but I must ask... do you actually believe in it?) pe ps oid ... What is "The Art of Tea"? ... (

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

I do believe that dreams reveal what's going on in our subconscious. I think the meaning of dreams is often quite obvious. I don't believe in omens or astrology or anything with a supernatural basis for interpretation as a general rule - I cheerfully walk under ladders. However, there are some powerful symbols in sacred texts that merit exploration. There is a marvellous text in the first book of Kings I think. Elijah is ordered by God to spend some time alone at the Wadi (brook) Cherith. The ravens are commanded by God to bring him food. Ravens represent the outcast, the despised and the poor and I think the story tells us something about being reliant on God and that caring for the poor and outcast is as much about us needing them. Similarly, many centuries later, Saint Benedict, father of modern monasticism is also fed by ravens in a cave at Subiaco. My question is were these events truly signs that actually happened or were they added by the authors to drive home the point I have just made. jude "Cacoethes scribendi"


In the case of the ravens, I suspect someone made it up because it sounded like a good story, which it is. "You don't need the light of the Lord to read the handwriting on the wall." Copies of Warsaw Tales available through
I think it's very difficult to sort the precognitive from the 'memory dump'. I don't think there's anything 'supernatural' about a natural ability. Take animals, for example: they're attuned to the subtlties of the cosmos enough to know when an earthquake is due. I view the subconscious as a very sensitive antenna that reads the body and mind to such a high degree that it can pass warning, or advice, of forthcoming possibilities (contemplated unconsciously by the human) quite easily. It's the place where we store the most subtle of environmental info that we don't have the time to analyse during our waking time - it's not good (or wasn't) for survival purposes. As for a universal 'dream interpretation' dictionary - baloney. There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed - Dennett

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

"As for a universal 'dream interpretation' dictionary - baloney." Absolutely, you have to know a bit about the dreamer to begin to understand what the dream means. For example Liana's Peacock represents pride and intellect because she is an English woman. If she was a Pakistani muslim, I'd take a completely different line because peacocks in Islamic tradition represent something completely different (the escorted Adam and Eve from paradise) and guard the gates of heaven (I think - can't remember exactly). Knowing what I do about Peps - he takes criticism on the chin, never uses his real name in the forums and expresses a lot about himself in his characters of Larry and Mick - hence my take on his dream! jude "Cacoethes scribendi"


Ahh... what's in a name? :-) pe ps oid ... What is "The Art of Tea"? ... (

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

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