Anyone know how you put your work in italics on this website?
I can find no clues, and my questions to the management generally go unanswered, so perhaps another punter can help me.
'cite' should be used for citations, 'em' for emphasis,
Actually 'i' should really be used for just plain italics but it doesn't seem to work on abctales for some reason.
That way everything works in html readers for the blind and other accessibility thingamobs
Cheers peps and Dan, I stumbled upon how to do it after sniffing about - had used the thing as I do n another site but didn't work, then found the info on here, on the discussion forums help links rather then on the "create story" links.
With hindsight, I'd say that if you aren't too clued up with computers it's hard to work it out.
Thanks again for stopping off to help.
The All New Pepsoid the Second!