I Am a Lesbian!

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I Am a Lesbian!

It’s official! I know this because I have just got out of the library a book which I ordered (thus drawing even more attention to my association with such), Haruki Murakami’s “Sputnik Sweetheart,” which has a small sticker on the base of its spine which reads “L+G,” which I can only presume stands for “Lesbian + Gay,” on account of the fact that the central aspect of the novel appears to be a lesbian love story. I’ve only read three pages of the book so far, so I don’t know just how “lesbian” it is, but if it is, say, more than 60% lesbian (which would justify the application of the “L+G” sticker), and if I, to some degree or other, turn out to *enjoy* the book, then I think it would be safe to categorically conclude that I, Pepsoid, am I lesbian… hurrah!

On the basis of the above chain of reasoning, I am also a teenager! I know this to be true because I have recently read and *enjoyed* James Herbert’s “48,” which, despite its somewhat gratuitously gory content, had a label on the base of its spine which read “Teen”…

So in fact…

I am a teenage lesbian!

Who knew… :)

* * * * *

So… has anyone else been forced to re-evaluate their lifestyle choices etc on account of the somewhat spurious labelling and categorisation of books they have found themselves reading?


"the progenitor"
"the art of tea"
"that's an odd courgette"

I've just been reading a book called 'I know some like that - One man's search for normal in Norfolk' by Robert Ashton. Following your comments, I may be forced to consider whether I'm a person from Norfolk. I think I went there once as a child.


I've always eyed people reading Lolita with suspicion. You have to study the face to make a better judgement. Aside from books one of my favourite movies is My Own Private Idaho, which has made a number of friends and aquaintances over the years question my sexuality. People who like Macbeth are quite clearly satanists or murderers or both.
I've just finished Slash's autobiography. I checked the cover and it says, "The most insane autobiography you'll ever read." I found it to be quite mild, actually, so does this make me "madder than Slash", or does it open a whole new debate about degrees of madness, sanity, and such? Or should I just label myself as 'too analytical'? Or "mad and too analytical"? Or just "a cunt"? :)

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

Pepsoid, You may be onto something. Does reading Ludlum reveal latent paranoia? Does a taste for action stories reveal a "Walter Mitty" within? I have always wondered why Librarians and booksellers eye me critically. Now I know. I wonder who else peruses our reading choices? Does interest in the "Kite Runner" make you a suspect for national security reasons?And of course anything by D.H Lawrence make certainty that you are morally lax. Who knew that al these years we have provided the fuel for gossip of Library staffs the world over? Maybe book burners have the right idea? Remove the temptations from mere mortals and they will be good little stepford children who don't question anything. Nahhh! Rather to be thought a goof and explore the mind world over, enjoying the heady heights of that interesting journey. Who cares what others think of us? Read on young Lochinvar. J.X.M
I've just finished reading a Sylvia Plath collection but don't worry, my oven's electric. jude


I think Yan2 part of the problem is the blurb writer's propensity to titillate and the potential reader's predilection for titillability.
And Slash's predilection for tits, of which there is plenty. Axl included.

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

By the way, did I mention that on the cover of Sputnik Sweetheart is a picture of a naked Japanese lady lying on a bed? So not only am I a teenage lesbian, but a pervert. Who’s into Japanese porn. (btw, don't you mean "titillatability," Chuck?) pe ps oid "the progenitor" "the art of tea" "that's an odd courgette"

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Titillatability yes of course. I stand corrected.

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Slightly on a tangent (but sort of related), I sat in the library with headphones on listening to some Nine Inch Nails t'other day... oh the decadence of it! ;) pe ps oid "the progenitor" "the art of tea" "that's an odd courgette"

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Now I feel like recording the ambience of the library, then listening to it on my ipod while attending a nine inch nails concert. See what I did there? No, that wouldn't work, would it? It would if you really wanted it to. You can do anything if you set your mind to it.

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

Or record the NiN concert, dub over the library "ambience," play the whole thing on a small TV in a library... or something! It's an artistic revelation!! :)))) pe ps oid "the progenitor" "the art of tea" "that's an odd courgette"

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Or..you could video yourself watching the Nin concert whilst listening to library ambience on your ipod. The self-satisfied smirk on your face would pose numerous questions to the viewer, ie: what's he listening to? You could play the video in the library and the viewers who are asking the question, "What's he listening to?" would have no idea that you're sharing the whole experience with them because they're surrounded by library ambience whilst listening to Nin, too. You could explain all this at the end of the vid. :) Or maybe not... Or maybe you could...then scarper. But not before you've returned your overdue NiN cd...which you've cleverly swapped for a 'selected library ambience' disc... Or maybe not... Or...you could make a disc of 2 second bursts of library ambience interspersed with 2 second bursts of NiN.

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

or maybe not...

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

Or..................!!! Oh I dunno, I'm out of ideas... :/ pe ps oid "the progenitor" "the art of tea" "that's an odd courgette"

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Maybe start a new thread about something entirely different... or not... maybe.
You could record someone in a library, listening to an ipod recording of the NiN concert you attended while they watch a video of you listening to an ipod recording of library ambience while watching the NiN concert that they're listening to ? I'm sure this isn't fully exhausted just yet.

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

Hang on, I'm working on it...... :/ pe ps oid "the progenitor" "the art of tea" "that's an odd courgette"

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Okay here goes… You could arrange for a library to have a “NiN Day” (or more specifically, “NiN Day I” (see below)), in which, between certain hours, anyone who logs onto a computer is invited to go to the NiN website and listen to the tunes thereon (with headphones, of course!)… only unbeknownst to the listeners, mini-webcams are set up, recording their facial mannerisms etc. The videos thus created are then uploaded to YouTube, but not before a soundtrack is added to each… of… songs by Duran Duran! And then the members of Duran Duran (or ex-members; I can’t remember if they officially still exist or not) are invited to comment upon the videos, and the comments by Le Bon, Rhodes, et al, are superimposed onto re-edited videos, which are uploaded onto the website especially created for this landmark artistic event, www.libraryninday.com. Trent Reznor is then contacted, asked to write a soundtrack to the website, the soundtrack is performed by Duran Duran (newly reformed if necessary), and different portions of the soundtrack are played according to which part of the website you visit – even according to where over the particular page your mouse is hovering! You then arrange for the library (or a different library) to have a “NiN Day II,” in which, between certain hours, anyone who logs onto a computer is invited to go to www.libraryninday.com, the clickers thereupon have their facial mannerisms etc recorded, and the videos created are sent to the Pope, who will, according to a strict set of Papal criteria, judge each video to be either “Holy” or “Sinful” (or something of that ilk)… and the results of the Pope’s judgements are written in gold leaf onto a sheet of glass, into which have been carefully inserted 999 nine-inch nails, which is then framed and hung in the Tate Modern. Or something. * * * Oh, and there are speakers in the wall of the Tate Modern where the piece is hung, from which is played a looped recording of the ambience of the library or libraries in which “NiN Day I” and “NiN Day II” took place. pe ps oid "the progenitor" "the art of tea" "that's an odd courgette"

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

I don't follow...

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

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