Book Launch plus Joe Dunthorne reading

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Book Launch plus Joe Dunthorne reading

Hi all

If anyone's in London this Thurs eve and at a loss please check out below links.

There's a launch of the latest anthology from the Willesen Green Writers Group and special guest Joe Dunthorne (aka Spack) will be reading from his fabuluous new book Submarine.

I'm in the anthology under Jude Brown but am stuck in Sheffield so can't make it - and am seething - but I'm sure it'll be a great night - drinks and nibbles and some excellent readings of prose and poetry from WGWg's 'What we were thinking of just before the end' and of course hottest new author Joe Dunthorne.

28th May, 8pm

Willesden Green Library Centre, Studio 2.
95 High Road
Willesden, London
NW10 2SF

Cheers all

Oh poo - I'm not able to get there. Have a great night, those who go, and maybe ABCtalers should have a special sign to alert themselves to others of the clan like a rolled-up trouser leg or a dandelion in your button hole or whatever.
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