Recommendations on Booktribes

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Recommendations on Booktribes

There are now a substantial number of ABCtalers on Booktribes (although there's always room for more!) and I wondered what you thought of the 'recommendations' feature.

As soon as you put in 20 books you will be given a list of 10 books that you supposedly haven't read that are recommended by the algorhythmns we have written into the code. I'm very happy with mine - I want to read at least 8 of them - but I wondered how others had found it.

I don't think it works quite like that, Tony. I thought you have to 'rate' 20 books out of ten before it gives you recommendations. I was pleasantly surprised how great my recommendations were. Seemed really well tailored. I must admit I expect it to be a bit wayward at this early stage but it's very impressive.
Good - it's certainly good for me and the user numbers are flying up. If you haven't joined yet, then please do so. Just click on the link and use your ABCtales username followed by and your ABCtales password. It bypasses the hassle of signing up. Regards, Tony
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