Not on C4 News!
Wed, 2011-09-14 12:41
Not on C4 News!
It looks like we were bumped for the Oscart Wilde story on C4 News last night. They might use the Unbound/Jennifer thing tonight but I doubt it.
Ho Hum, these things happen!
Rubbish! See if you can get the video and stick it up on YouTube or something. We don't need John Snow and his visually troubling neck-wear...
And I've just been told that C4 are running the piece on jennifer tonight - they'll be getting a boost in the viewing figures from us!
I'm going to run through my street, hoping to find someone who will let me watch the news on their telly. Hopefully they'll air it tonight!
D'oh! I'm out - 4OD on the sly at work for me then...
new Editor t.cook Tony
Under Jennifer's reply Mark Brown.
So sorry, have answered on Jennifer-Pick-Ups
re. t.v to-night you will see,under jennifer's answer, sorry, mine put on it was
7.22pm he called me over from computer. only 4min 22nds not long. Say much. And not mention as jennifer has said of AbcTales or saw any of the stars. Or you bad. Or Editor mentioned as jennifer said in pevious interview. Must say Jennifer-read very well. Mine has taken 10 photos. said bring them up "wheatsheaf" London on the weds; 21st.
But any paper or press or theatrical or phots, often
cut down or out, I know from experience myself.
Maybe it could have had hired hall,tea and jennifer book to buy and sign. Like we did 1st base all things we did, entrance small fee! hired screen Odeon then and watched all, could buy all things done and cd etc; after. Just an idea.
all the best
julie xxx
I don't blame them at all - I did that job for many years and the piece was about how crowdfunding was 'saving' the Arts - so ABCtales doesn't really figure in it. I think they should have captioned Jennifer though - but she is now 18% funded and that's a really good start. We all need to support her!