Inspiration point (IP)

Inspiration Point for this week is "Carried on the Wind". I hope this stirs your imagination, and look forward very much to reading what you post

Inspiration point

Gold cherry


My Uncle Joseph only has eight fingers. Well, to be exact, he has six fingers, and two thumbs. One hand with all its appendages whole and functional...

At Arms End

At Arms' End Language is rich with references to ‘hands’ either as a noun or a verb. Many of the most recognisable sayings, quotations and quotations...

Gadgets amazing!

Fingers sense touch detail, caress; delicately manipulate surgeon’s scalpel, artists’ brush, musical melodies fast and intricate. Nerve networks back and fore from … handle and use with care!

I’d like to …

“I’d like to change the world – get rid of all the greed … the killing … I’d like to change my friend …myself …”

The Dreaded 'C' Word

As far back as memory serves a holiday was when you jumped onto a plane, fighting with your luggage through a busy airport, followed by the battle of...
