Inspiration point (IP)

I'm giving you a real multi-choice Inspiration Point this week: 'signs'.

Spring, the breakdown of civilisation, things only you can see... the possibilities are endless! Good luck, and don't forget to post the results here

Inspiration point


Can't Stop the Music

The I.P. this week is to take a song title and go from there. Well, there are approximately 120 song titles here, plus a few lyrics for good measure. Discography attached, for anyone interested.

Stayin' alive

That's the way it goes. Our lust for stories is as physical as well-fed Belgian horses. That's what I mean. Our longing for trust is as substantial...

Les Courses des Fetes

The skittling, seasonal, south-west wind cuts the corner by the church. It leaves the Christmas message on branded cheek, nose and ear. At the Tabac...


Forget-Me-Not (IP) One day You love me A bouquet of red roses and box sets in my council flat Next week You take me home I refuge to your abode You...
