Inspiration point (IP)

This week's Inspiration Point is toast. It could be toast that you've spread with jam or something you've raised a glass to, perhaps someone is toast or toes were toasted in front of a fire. I'll leave it to you and look forward to your burnt offerings. 

Inspiration point


My butt is sliding down the back of my legs, and it seems like it happened overnight. Even in my twenties I never had an Elle McPherson booty, but it...
Gold cherry

Sun Bathing (IP)

To bathe in the rays of The Sun, pay your 40p for a deckchair on the grubby sands of Murdoch beach. Enjoy the sensual page three heat. Paddle in its...


Rain yesterday and today And every tomorrow; If the sun again shines It will be through my tears; Please show me the way And Pity my sorrow, O...
