Inspiration point (IP)

Trying to think of something that might help,  while the back door is open for a cat to make their mind up, wondered if this would work for you :

"Out Of The Cold".


Could be escaping it, could be emerging from it, wherever you take this, I look forward very much to reading the results.

I hope you all stay warm and safe and dry this week, and have time to write. 


Inspiration point



A new take on an Italian folk story inspired by the IP 'Turning Negatives into Positives'. Lisabetta di Cara, Lisa to her friends, is the youngest...

Not what she’d planned (IP)

Walking, walking, emotions numb, hopes dashed, plans crashed, no heart for talking, tongue frozen, dumb. She’d all her life awaited motherhood, and...

Rab's Remedy

Rab’s Remedy By Paul McCann Rab had been struggling financially for many years before...

Night Terrors

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Long Dark Nights IP

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