Inspiration point (IP)

Thanks to the wonderful title of a post by Rhiannon, this week's Inspiration Point is : Morning Music. I hope you enjoy coming up with ideas for this, and look forward to reading the results!


Inspiration point

The other World (Night came early I.P)

This world is sturdy and firm From years of abuse The border walls are made with good intentions Their sincerity long forgot The earth that covers it...

Taking the Risk – a bond repaired (IP)

The night came early … Her hand drifted out to the phone, lying near, she struggled with doubt, embarrassment, fear.

Saved by Mondrian

Drossy black. Pitch black. Bakelite black. Night black. Autumn black. Horizon black. Classic black. Attic black. Last curtain black. Mute black...

Each tear.

Each tear is a new breath welcoming the rest of sorrow within the heart and cleanses when the depth of sadness crushes the soul within!

The mushroom season

Indeed. We never decided to do so. To love each other. We have never set any targets. Nor did we compose a project team. I can't remember that there...
