Inspiration point (IP)

Thanks to the wonderful title of a post by Rhiannon, this week's Inspiration Point is : Morning Music. I hope you enjoy coming up with ideas for this, and look forward to reading the results!


Inspiration point


Familiarity breeds contempt (IP)

“What is it?”*, they said – extraordinary food, collected each morning (and tasting so good) from the ground all around on six mornings, and then...


I do not speak, for the voice of my essence is not that of any man I have suffered the cold of 50 unseeing eyes, and burned by the intensity of kind...


Faeries Preface See, my problem was, I was always trying to find beautiful words for something so ugly, I was trying to explain something I could...

Primary School Memories

Mixed up little witch sky-high before lunch I hid beneath the cave of wooden desks with metal inkwells in first year juniors. How did Miss Cooper get...

Rationalists will wear sombreros

1. Suppose our live is a tuft of eternity. Because it is elusive, absent. Such as a loaf of bread is only a part of the grain yield. A sip of water...
