Inspiration point (IP)

Inspiration Point this week is : Unexpected Visitor/s.  Big or small? Likely or fantastical? Wanted or absolutely not? How do they find you - how do they leave you? Why have they come? Perhaps you could write from the Visitor's point of view?  I hope very much this gives you some ideas, and really look forward to reading whatever results. 

Lots of good wishes for Christmas, I hope you have a lovely time

Inspiration point

the Holiday Getaway! (IP)

(a kid’s-eye view) They’re packing the car, we’re leaving today, travelling far for our holiday. They scuttle and scurry, worry and hurry, fill crannies and nooks

Rain Man

(Edit) I see him walking the lanes, sitting on gates...

After the Rain (I.P.)

He and I, soporifically sated, choose our separate ways...

Freedom begins from within

Steve Biko was a student activist and founder of the idea known as Black consciousnesses; a movement which at its heart was set to empower and mobilize the largely black population of South Africa.
