Inspiration point (IP)

Inspiration Point this week is : Unexpected Visitor/s.  Big or small? Likely or fantastical? Wanted or absolutely not? How do they find you - how do they leave you? Why have they come? Perhaps you could write from the Visitor's point of view?  I hope very much this gives you some ideas, and really look forward to reading whatever results. 

Lots of good wishes for Christmas, I hope you have a lovely time

Inspiration point

It’s Wonderful After All

With everything life sends , its still a wonderful experience .

Weakening Muscles and Mind (IP)

Inflexible wrist, slipping grip missed, dish fell with a clattering, all the food splattering the floor and the chair, mess everywhere: a touch of despair – but someone is caring,

The Carer’s Respite (IP)

A day of release from a Caring role, relief of pressure and stress, a refreshment goal – … clean, purge out stale lethargy, revive joy and vibrancy; returning anew to …

Jogger's Bum.

So there I was. Riding down the High Street on a sunny Sunday morning. Jacket zipped right up to my Adam’s apple. A borrowed bike beneath me. Only three gears.
