Inspiration point (IP)

I'm giving you a real multi-choice Inspiration Point this week: 'signs'.

Spring, the breakdown of civilisation, things only you can see... the possibilities are endless! Good luck, and don't forget to post the results here

Inspiration point



I recognised him by his snore - Image from Pixabay
Gold cherry

Just like starting over

I recognized him by his eyes. Those deep, penetrating eyes. He never looked at you. He observed you, analyzed you. As if you were an object of study...

My Top Ten.

There are some fantastic things to watch on telly. 10. I love Inspector Morse. I have watched him for decades. 09. I love Vera, the actress who plays...
Gold cherry

Joyful, frugal celebration!

Her ring was old, her grandma’s gold; her love, commitment new and true; her dress she’d had to borrow … no sop to superstition, or slavish following of tradition – just
