Inspiration point (IP)

Inspiration Point this week is : Unexpected Visitor/s.  Big or small? Likely or fantastical? Wanted or absolutely not? How do they find you - how do they leave you? Why have they come? Perhaps you could write from the Visitor's point of view?  I hope very much this gives you some ideas, and really look forward to reading whatever results. 

Lots of good wishes for Christmas, I hope you have a lovely time

Inspiration point

Forging Words of the Soul: An Explanation of Free-Writing

A breif speech on my writing style and what its supposed to mean to my felliw writers and readers. Every man to himself or herself as they say. Take,examine, or learn what you can.

The Fire

02/12/09 Have you ever thought what would b the world without u? Have you ever thought how beautiful r the dancing flames... burning everything useless, everything holy, burning your soul...

My Lady

I want to say something nice. But words are not enough - bizarre, cheesy, meaningless, shallow, heavy, pointless, suffocating...words. Your eyes aren't typically what I would go for - brown.
