By topaz_bad_angel
- 625 reads
Lots of lipstick,
Flashy clothes,
Cell phone,
All of those.
Tons of money,
Three boyfriends,
Dark shades,
False nails,
Fashion trends.
No homework,
Pull their
Hair and
They'll go berserk.
Liquor is cool,
So's a cigar.
This is
What it's
Like to be popular.
But is there a dark side?
Covered up with glitter?
Is it really as cool as you think?
To always be in the centre?
To live a set out life?
To believe what you must?
You'll have so many friends,
But are they worthy of trust?
Sneer down at all the nerds,
Is that really such fun?
Your friends might adore you,
But they might be the only ones.
With popularity, comes hate,
Bitchiness rears up everyday.
Catfights, catcalls, dos and don'ts.
While it might be fun, is it really the way?
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