By gail
- 751 reads
Busy busy busy. Am trying to do 600 things today at work. Have
decided to calm down for 5 minutes or so to update you on my life.
Phew! Deep breath. That's better now.
Rug and I did a car boot sale yesterday and made ?110. Feeling proud of
ourselves. Also got a little sunburnt. Probably did myself more than
?110. worth of skin damage. I did think of suncream, but it was in the
wrong bloody house, as usual. I need factor 30 and Rug only has factor
6. Everything I want to wear or take or use is in the wrong place. It's
going to get worse and worse until I finally move.
Not that I'm stressed or anything.
I am
I am trying
Rug is going to Tokyo for 2 weeks immediately after I move in to be
with him. What timing. Have tried to see if I could join him out there,
but the cheapest flight is still way too expensive.
Have suddenly realised how much work I have to hand over to other
people. Everyone wants notes of everything. They want me to empty out
my head before I go. Some things just won't come out, no matter how
hard you shake your brains about. Some things I'll never be able to
explain. 11 more commutes to go. That's hardly anything.
No news from the estate agent today. Beginning to wonder if this voice
mail thing actually works. We'll see. They'll probably phone me at work
tomorrow and I'll be at home. Guess I better phone them to tell them.
Then they'll think I'm hassling them. Oh dear.
I am calm.
I am floating
over above my life.
My life is an action drama.
I look down and smile
at its intricacies,
and all the people
milling about madly
into the circles of their
frenetic lives.
The stress has obviously got to me. I am no longer sane.
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