I'll Tell u What I Want(What I Really Really Want)
By nucleardreams
- 836 reads
I want to leave my mark on the world,
not a scar.
I want to apologise to everyone I've ever hurt.
I want to tell me gran that I really liked the shirt.
I want to revitalise every single bug I've squashed.
I want to swallow down every rude word I've coughed
I want to replace every insult I've dealt out
with flowers, poetry, chocolate and stout.
I want to give back the fiver I stole from my dad.
I want to wipe away the tears from anyone sad.
I want to leave my mark on the world,
not a scar.
I want to turn Buckingham Palace into a squat
I want the Queen to admit that she smokes pot
I want to plant trees on motorways
I want my parents to admit that it's not a phase
I want to go on Top of the Pops
and tell the kids to ignore the cops
I want to leave my mark on the world,
not a scar.
I want to give the land back to the Aborigines
I want to apologise for taking advantage of their hospitality
I want to eliminate fear
I want to drink more beer
I want to kiss more girls
I want to wear blonde curls
I want to leave my mark on the world,
not a scar.
I don't want to choke you with fumes from cars
I don't want to worship Hollywood stars
I don't want anyone to be alone
I want every dog to have a bone
I want a world were everyone has what they need.
I want a world were there is no greed.
I want us all to fulfil our own desires
I want us all to light each other's fires
I want a world in which the sick get cured
I want to try and be a little less fucking rude
I want to leave my mark on the world,
not a scar.
I want everything for everyone
I want us all to have more fun
I want to leave my mark on the world.
Not a scar.
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