Weakest Link
By two_gents
- 855 reads
Are we sick to watch this show.
The weakest link has got to go.
With a frown on her forehead.
Go away you're crap she said.
Miserable, frothing, sagging mouth.
Boobs all falling to the south.
Eyes like foot steps in the snow.
You thick fat sod you've got to go.
Going home without a stitch.
She's a bloody ugly witch.
Contestants come Contestants go.
You're the loser now sod off. go.!
Ones a thinker ones a banker.
That bitch Robinson is a wanker.
She turns around and gives a wink.
As if she is the only link.
Some might like her some might not.
Some think she earns quite a lot.
She dont ask no contestants thanks.
Cause most of them are thick as planks.
So if you turn the show back on.
You know what to expect.
A nod a wink from Robinson.
With no thought for respect.
She don't care just what you think.
Or what you're feelings are.
You're just Tele' fodder .
The weakest link by far.
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